FM Guide/Tut/18

From 1100ad

[Home] Last Edited: 21.1.2011 by feildmaster
Set attack range!
Set attack range!
There are two essential settings for your army - aggression and attack range. Aggression means the maximal distance your army should move to charge the enemy, from low (do not move) to high (charge anywhere). Attack range means the distance from the enemy your army should stop and start shooting not trying to get any closer, minimal means melee combat always (always go to the same cell as the enemy resides), ranged means try to shoot always (so stop getting closer and start shooting when any of your unit can reach the target) and adaptive that asks your troops to decide which range to use (default, but not recommended setting)
Select all your armies and click parameters button. Select high aggression and ranged attack range. Apply all changes
100 experience
»Not available on no-tactics servers.«

Read more about aggression and attack range

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