FM Guide/Tut/20

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Revision as of 04:32, 21 January 2011 by feildmaster (Talk | contribs)
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[Home] Last Edited: 21.1.2011 by feildmaster
Inhabitants are demanding walls!
Inhabitants are demanding walls!
Your city inhabitants feel danger from forests around the city. In order to make opponent more difficult to get to your city, it is vital to build walls before your 2-weeks newbie protection wears off. Remember that mounted troops and machines are unable to pass through walls, and it takes a while for infantry to climb there. But this does not apply to your troops - while going to campaign or returning from it, your troops are jumping from/to a rally point, if any exists. Also, troops on the walls are better defended
There are 4 city entrance points/roads, find and build 4 pieces of walls nearby. Your inhabitants will feel themselves safe. Visual style of the wall can be changed in the wall Overview tab
1200 rating, 1 diamond
After the recent attacks, your villagers want walls to protect them.
  • Build four walls near your entrances.
    » It is recommended you surround all four gates with walls as you get larger

Read more about walls here.

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