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on: 28 Jul 2009 [05:22]
ok, so many new players are quitting because this game is really confusing for them. WEll now we are going to make it unsimple with a game guild here. Put down everything u can about the game and how to grow and how to do this and that. Im not typing it all up cuz it will take me like an hour but everyone pitch in a little so we can explain the game to noobies and they wont quit because they are confuzzle about the game(:s11:)
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on: 03 Feb 2012 [00:32]
Quote bluelatisha:
I do remember the step but I never thought enough to actually click on the library after I built it. Thank you for your help. Seems like it is going to take me forever to get this step finished.

Yup! That's where I'm at now.
on: 03 Feb 2012 [03:07]
updated: 03 Feb 2012 [03:08]
Quote schnitzer90:
Since vladimirt wrote it, I would assume that it is true. (:s9:)

Outremer was introduced as a player vs. player (pvp) server.

ok, thank you that is all i wanted to know.
on: 03 Feb 2012 [08:59]
Quote skullbotrock:
Here's the buildings you should have by the end of your first week- (Make getting all resource buildings to level 10 your first priority)

All resource gathering points at level 15

Is this for PVP? I'm playing PVE and I just rob the crap out of surrounding cities.
on: 11 Mar 2012 [05:04]
ok Im new to this and I was wondering...your supposed to get more resources every hour but I havent gotten anymore and its been a day...can someone help?
on: 11 Mar 2012 [05:47]
upgrade your storehouse so you can store more resources
on: 26 Mar 2012 [21:22]
tutorial says goto tactics and split army i click tactics and theres nothing on that page that says split
on: 27 Mar 2012 [05:56]
carpodin, are you playing aragon server?
on: 05 Apr 2012 [05:11]
i start outremer.i didnot stat to build my town but i set my kingdom. i want to change my kingdom.how could i do it?
on: 05 Apr 2012 [23:46]
try the restart feature. it might work.
on: 07 Apr 2012 [22:40]
When you get taken over in a pvp server do you permanently loose your city
on: 08 Apr 2012 [19:55]
You may re-capture it, of course! If you don't, you will lose it permanently, yes.

If it had been the only city you had, you will get a new one to start again.
on: 02 May 2012 [16:55]
Hi am playing on Bohemia but have just started on aragon and am having a problem - in tactic view I'm only seeing my troops and no tactical map of the city as I do in bohemia. Am I doing something stupid?
on: 02 May 2012 [17:52]
Quote mattpot21:
in tactic view I'm only seeing my troops and no tactical map of the city as I do in bohemia. Am I doing something stupid?

No, the aragon server is a non-tactical server, so you see what you're supposed to see. (:s1:)
on: 03 May 2012 [07:59]
hi i was just given a task to get a second town i have no idea how to. i hit attack and send the army to the nearest gray town and my army just hangs out their all day long with nothing happening i dont understand how to pass this difficult asspect of the game. would some plz assist me in this issue im having, thankyou for your time
on: 03 May 2012 [10:56]
glamdring, what server are you playing?
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