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on: 28 Jul 2009 [05:22]
ok, so many new players are quitting because this game is really confusing for them. WEll now we are going to make it unsimple with a game guild here. Put down everything u can about the game and how to grow and how to do this and that. Im not typing it all up cuz it will take me like an hour but everyone pitch in a little so we can explain the game to noobies and they wont quit because they are confuzzle about the game(:s11:)
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on: 03 May 2012 [23:00]
updated: 03 May 2012 [23:04]
thankyou for repleying. the server im playing on atm is unification of aragon. if i understand this currectly this server is suppose to go pvp in to weeks of starting the game. once again ty 4 your time
on: 04 May 2012 [04:38]
updated: 04 May 2012 [04:40]
aragon is tricky. its the only non-tactic server on 1100ad. what you will need to do to capture a town is first find the town you want to capture (I suggest a town under 10k rating and that is gray, any town bigger than 10k will increase your chances to be killed by another player's robbing group. I suggest a group of 1 hero, 25 archers, 25 marksmen, 25 swordsmen, 25 rangers. this is a bit much, I could see you getting by with just 15 of each in a town under 10k.). next this to do is to attack that town with the correct campaign type. you need type - capture

just click the image within the attack screen to select it and send your army. good luck!
on: 04 May 2012 [06:31]
updated: 04 May 2012 [06:35]
crimson I would like to thankyou very much for your assitance. your help made my life just that much better. but if i may, im now at the stage wear im building my armys, i just toke that town wit 102 horseman and 43 highwayman. how do i get my army up to its fullest potential and is their a limit of how many warriors i can have in single area like pikeman. can u have infinite pikeman or is their a limit. btw what do u mean non tactic server should i go to antherone before i start spending $
once agian Crimson thankyou 4 your time
on: 05 May 2012 [07:50]
hi how to you fix the "troops hungry" poblem...wat ido i need for that??...my baddd...im a noooooob:))(:s3:)
on: 05 May 2012 [09:57]
Quote glamdring:
how do i get my army up to its fullest potential and is their a limit of how many warriors i can have in single area like pikeman. can u have infinite pikeman or is their a limit.

the only limiter you have is your available population/glory points. there is not limit to how many towns you can get or how much mercenary points you can have but there comes a time where the resources it takes to get more pop/glory is extremely large. After your newbie protection wares off, I'd suggest you find your-self a lord to teach you the basics and start exploring the forums and experimenting in-game.
Quote glamdring:
btw what do u mean non tactic server should i go to antherone before i start spending $

its up to you on what you prefer. I like micromanaging armies while fighting and I love to use tactics. other players just like the simplicity of just letting the computer do the fighting for you and micromanaging everything before and after the fighting.
Quote ecnadstel:
"troops hungry" poblem...wat ido i need for that?

build/upgrade more farms or just let them die.
on: 05 May 2012 [19:33]
Crimson thankyou 4 your time. i will try both servers and try to rule if a make it out of the churning pot of cream. ciao and thankyou m8.(:s23:)
on: 05 May 2012 [19:34]
no h. 0 mo
on: 06 May 2012 [05:30]
(:s11:)(:s11:)crimson..yur awesummm!! ill just let'em die off ,..demolish the fARMs ...thn biuld new farms...thx bro... again.. yur awesummm ...(:s11:)
on: 06 May 2012 [05:31]
on: 15 May 2012 [08:02]
How do I train military units? I want to train a pikeman or a scout. I have all of the resources and they are available in color. I select 1 or 2 even, but the button you push is just a blank black square. I created another account and it works fine, what am I doing wrong?
on: 15 May 2012 [09:28]
That's a display bug, refresh the page and it should be fine.
on: 15 May 2012 [18:25]
[quote="Hakushi"]That's a display bug, refresh the page and it should be fine.

No it's not a dislpay bug either.
on: 29 May 2012 [18:05]
i have just registered but getting nowhere, please help Isis1
on: 29 May 2012 [18:23]
We are going to need a more precise question to be able to help you in any way.

There is a beginners tutorial which you should follow. It should be shown to you in the top right corner of your city view. Here is some help for the tutorial.
on: 30 May 2012 [00:19]
How do I fix an army in place?

I keep sending all on a campain to raid a grey city, but have to except out my rams and trebuchet - then have to re sort the troops into seperate armies before I move into the city.
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