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on: 28 Jul 2009 [05:22]
ok, so many new players are quitting because this game is really confusing for them. WEll now we are going to make it unsimple with a game guild here. Put down everything u can about the game and how to grow and how to do this and that. Im not typing it all up cuz it will take me like an hour but everyone pitch in a little so we can explain the game to noobies and they wont quit because they are confuzzle about the game(:s11:)
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on: 22 Dec 2011 [14:13]
You can only re-locate your coal mine with (:gold:). Downgrade it to lower the costs. (:s9:)
on: 28 Dec 2011 [00:45]
Thanks(:s1:) Now I'm wondering how can I create my second city; I just invested enough resources into my library to do so but I don't know how to.
on: 28 Dec 2011 [00:54]
Go to the valley overview, find a city that you want and capture it. (:s1:)
If the city is a NoCommander city, you can just go there, find the castle and capture it for 24h. If not, war is needed. (:s2:)

You can also create a new city, but this is kind of expensive (1k (:gold:)). (:s11:)
on: 29 Dec 2011 [19:52]
I have been attempting to play this game for a few days now and really have no idea what I am doing. I am just following the tutorial still but now I am at the point where it wants me to prepare for capture. As a hint it says to raise my city control ability to level 2. I dont know where I can find out where my city control ability is in the first place. Can someone please tell me..Thank You (:s31:)
on: 29 Dec 2011 [20:03]
The tutorial actually tells you. (:s10:) (:s1:) Do you remember the step where you were supposed to build a library?
Well, that's it:
Build a library (and upgrade it to maximum), then donate ressources to get a new city control points.

The amount of city control points available tells you how much much cities you can control, you can find it in the library right under the "Ok" button for donations. (:s30:)
on: 29 Dec 2011 [23:24]
I do remember the step but I never thought enough to actually click on the library after I built it. Thank you for your help. Seems like it is going to take me forever to get this step finished.
on: 29 Dec 2011 [23:43]
Oh well, as long as you try yourself first and search for help in the forum and the wiki, I am sure there will always be somebody here to answer all the remaining questions. (:s10:)

Good luck! (:s11:)
on: 09 Jan 2012 [08:09]
(:s6:)why cant i capture a city with no commender
on: 09 Jan 2012 [11:28]
Quote funcil:
why cant i capture a city with no commender

Maybe you need to invest ressources into the library to get a free city point first, or you do not have a hero in your capturing squad. (:s28:)
on: 01 Feb 2012 [00:06]


can one lose a town to the player from the enemy-kingdom without a state of war?

on: 01 Feb 2012 [14:42]
WozBuditel, very good question...
on: 01 Feb 2012 [16:30]
WozBuditel, Karloc

Since vladimirt wrote this:
Quote vladimirt:
Players from different realms initially have war with all the players from other realms by default.

... in the introduction thread of the Outremer server, I think this question is an easy one to answer: You just always have war with players from different kingdoms. (:s29:)
Also, with Britannia, Outremer and especially Aragon server being introduced since the opening of this post, I think it would be wise to post server specific questions in the respective section, thank you. (:s9:)
on: 02 Feb 2012 [00:40]
updated: 02 Feb 2012 [00:41]
so .. it means, yes?(:s31:) .. you can easily lose a town (:demolish:) to anyone (:enemy:) from the other kingdom?
on: 02 Feb 2012 [04:44]
I've only been playing for almost two weeks and I found reading the Wiki and experimenting on a Player vs. Enemy server is quite the lesson. REALLY reading the Wiki... I always have it open in another tab on my browser. The forums are super helpful for specific answers; which 1/2 the time I later find in the Wiki anyways =) This is a great game with a high complexity so don't get frustrated right away! Don't be afraid to ask questions in the forums; everyone has been very polite and quick to respond.

There's lots of time when your new to the game and things are building up and your queue is full to explore the Wiki and forums. (:s21:)
on: 02 Feb 2012 [12:28]
Very true! (:s11:)

Since vladimirt wrote it, I would assume that it is true. (:s9:)

Outremer was introduced as a player vs. player (pvp) server.
If you want a safer environment, you would want to play on a pve (player vs. environment) server, like Bohemia.
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