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ok, so many new players are quitting because this game is really confusing for them. WEll now we are going to make it unsimple with a game guild here. Put down everything u can about the game and how to grow and how to do this and that. Im not typing it all up cuz it will take me like an hour but everyone pitch in a little so we can explain the game to noobies and they wont quit because they are confuzzle about the game
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on: 28 Jul 2009 [07:18]
How to trade:
Click on your market. Than click “My orders” button. On the left side under “my offer” set the amount and what kind of resource (coal, iron, stone, wood, lime) you want to sell and on the right side under “I want” indicate the amount and what kind of resource (coal, iron, stone, wood, lime) you want to buy. Than click the two circular arrows In the middle. Limitations of your trade depends on level of your market (you can see them on the left side of that page next to pictograms of the 5 resources) If you want to accept a deal from other players you have to build Workshop and than cart. After that return to your market, find a good deal and if you able to accept it you can click on two circular arrows on the right side from the deal. (Apologies to Egrassa for stealing this expanation) |
on: 28 Jul 2009 [07:18]
Here's the buildings you should have by the end of your first week- (Make getting all resource buildings to level 10 your first priority)
All resource gathering points at level 15 10 level 2 farms Level 10 storehouse Level 12 castle A level 5 barracks, workshop and stable Don't start your army until after the first week. |
Fang Xian
on: 28 Jul 2009 [17:59]
Or you could go here: http://1100ad.feildmaster.com/wiki/Main_Page sign up and help make the fan wiki made by fieldmaster better.
on: 30 Jul 2009 [21:18]
updated: 30 Jul 2009 [21:23]
... or you could just search the forums and read the previous posts
![]() ... as for "how to" or "what to" have after the first week ... that's the beauty of a strategy game, each player can / must unleash his imagination and try to create a town of one's own choice ... any advice is welcomed, but please, don't try to leave the impression that he / she can't survive the first week without that structure. ... oh, and, by the way ... skullbotrock, you missed at least one important building that is a must right from the start ... not to mention that all military buildings, upgraded to lvl 5 right in the first week, are useless ... to rise a farm beyond lvl 2 takes no more than a few mins and a small amount of resources, and the gain in number of population is double. ... anyway, extending that wiki page is a great idea ![]() |
on: 30 Jul 2009 [21:51]
on: 30 Jul 2009 [23:57]
so you think one catapult or a ram is a good option against a bunch of pikes ... well, let's see ...
for cats - attack : 2, attack delay : 120, life : 75, sight : 1, range : 5, movement in town : 60 for rams - attack : 1, attack delay : 60, life : 50, sight : 1, range : 1, movement in town : 56 for pikes - attack : 4, attack delay : 20, life : 25, sight : 1, range : 0, movement in town : 30 the cats have long range but a poor sight so, to use them you need a scout / ranger ... they have good sight but it's only 3 so you must send one forward to benefit from that long range (if that's what you think is the strong point of a catapult)... on the other hand, pikes don't come alone, they are "guarded" by some archers and also have scouts / rangers, etc. ... i'll let you do the maths and battle plans ... but you're right, battles are the only way to find out which one is, or is not, good against other. |
on: 01 Aug 2009 [14:56]
updated: 01 Aug 2009 [14:59]
on: 03 Aug 2009 [02:26]
thxs everyone, if ur reading this and u see something that could be added.... well add it. Even if u might think its common knowledge someone new to the game might not know about it. Everyone throw in every little bit u can, also if u know of any other posts that have a lot of info that would help the new players who read this put the links down.
on: 03 Aug 2009 [03:39]
on: 03 Aug 2009 [03:49]
crimson im to lazy to type up a big explaination for the game, when i can have everyone do a little and yes i do plan on adding this to the wiki.
How to defend: as soon as u can build walls in front of ur 4 gates in ur city . most only need two but in a rare case u might need 3 or 4. To save u recourses i want to tell u ur and enemy army's cannot move diagonally across the town so thats like 2 less walls that u dont have to build. Also if u would like to put troops on the walls(probly archers and marksmen) because it gives ur troops a defence bonus and the walls only stop calvery and machines. Another tip, when u build ur workshot, barracks, and stables make sure u have enough room that it can get bigger and take up 3x3 areas. |
on: 03 Aug 2009 [04:31]
updated: 03 Aug 2009 [04:33]
Tips for Beginner
Step 1 Improve your Resouces First, Equal amount of each, until you run out of People. (Location cannot be Changed, Highest Level is 20 @ 570 per Hour {10 hours gives you 5,700} Step 2 Improve your Storehouse, So that I can hold enough for 1 night Growth of Resouces. You loose anything beyound the level of your Storehouse. Step 3 Build Farms about 5 ea @ Level 1 or 2 This will be Quick *** See Note Below about placement Step 4 Improve your Castle One Level, Goback to Step 1 and repet until your castel upto level 5. Step 5 Build a Workshop, and build Cart when spare time Empty Town only yeil 350, that 12 Carts. (For Two cities you need over 500 of them) Step 6 Build a Market, so that you can Trade and Get Resouces. Improve up to at least level Step 7 Goback and Repet until your Storehouse can hold over 10,000 units. With this you can not change your Town. Convertert you landscape, 2 at a time Max. Step 8 When you start playing for the day, build the Fast item first, usual the lowest level, Farms and Military Units. Step 9 Once you have Step 7, Plan placement for your Military Units, Build All Nine Square before you start making improvements, So, you don't have to tear down a High level Build because you didn't reserve enough Squares. *** See Note Below Step 10 If you have to wait for Resouces, upgrade Them. Step 11 Build more Farms, and Upgrade the ones you have, so that you have enough for your Army. Step 12 Make non-Agression Packs with your Neighbors, or Ally. The more the Better. Record and Save, Location and Rating, When people leave the Game, and have their Resouces Upgraded and Raid them and get as much as 34,000 of Each one, Empty Town only yeil 350, that 12 Carts. Step 13 Attack some Close Empy Towns, Before your two period is UP...This is important. If you don't you be stuck with only ONE Town for a while. See Not on Your Secound Town. (I've been playing only 1 month and Got two Towns, that without having to Buy Gold) Buying Gold does Speed Up the Game. Step 14 Upgrade each of your Military Building at least Level 4 before you start making Troops. Step 15 Build a Temple before you Start Attacking, If you Loose your Leader, you need it unless you Buy One @ 5 Gold per Month. Step 16 Take your Leader and about 10 or Tweny Troops and Start Raiding Empty Towns, I've found two set of Army troops. Empty Town only yeil 350, that 12 Carts. All of this can be done within your Two week Peace periond. * Placement of Improvements is important, The follow require 3X3 Squares for Full Developed Barracks, Stamples, Workshop. All other Require only one Space. * Reserve a Space to Block your FOUR entry Points for Walls (No Rush in Build them, after about week. ** Carts When people leave the Game, and have their Resouces Upgraded and Raid them and get as much as 34,000 of Each one, Empty Town only yeil 350, that 12 Carts. Farms - You can only built 20 Farms, Hightest Level is 10. Increase of 40 per Upgrade, But it take more for each increased level. Storehouse You can not more then your Store house can Hold Castle Upgrade requires a lot of Time, Build this just before you quit for the night, or Take a long break ![]() ![]() |
on: 03 Aug 2009 [05:39]
updated: 03 Aug 2009 [05:40]
great bleeham, im going to put that in wiki once i have time and figure out how to change wiki. one thing to add though. I would plan out 3x3 spaces to put ur three military building and try to keep them to one side. then on the other side i put farms, tavern and church and stuff together with tavern and church,ect in middle of the farms(makes it look like town
![]() I want to thank everyone so far for posting. everyone plz add on watever u want |
on: 03 Aug 2009 [08:18]
on: 03 Aug 2009 [15:46]
on: 04 Aug 2009 [04:32]
An unofficial one my friend made that I'll put on wiki. He emailed it to me and everything is done except for a couple buildings he's going to finish up in a day or 2. I'll send it vjaka though and tell him, "I know the game is in beta and things change, but we have a lot of new people quitting because they're confused. Post this on as an UNOFFICIAL guide on the homepage or on the forum homepage and we'll have more players and less stupid questions for you and Crimson to answer."
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