Gguide Build Library

From 1100ad

Revision as of 04:13, 13 November 2010 by hiero (Talk | contribs)
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Build a Library - a place for your hero's education.

Somehow in here I missed building a library. But, you have to build it before you can invest in it! It is a very useful building, as it controls your "city points", or the number of cities that you can conquer and control. Please note that each building level for the library reduces the amount of resources it takes to get your next city point. At level 1, your library is only 10% efficient, and you have to invest 10 for every 1 your library recognizes. At level 2, your investment is 20% efficient, level 3, 30%, etc. There are buildings you should advance quickly. After your resources, there are your farms. After your farms, your library may come next in importance!


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