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on: 25 Sep 2014 [09:51]
The Premium Subscription has been added to all the servers. The Gold/Silver/Newbie subscriptions are no longer available in the game. All the owners of the discarded subscriptions get the new one on the 1-1 ratio. The new subscription option summarises and contains all the best that the three out-dated ones used to have scattered across them.

The Baron’s Subscription has been expanded to 30 free hero slots.

Some errors inherent in the artefact drop system that used to result in uneven drops in the quest locations have been remedied.
Also, the artefacts obtained in the quest locations do not fall in the hero pouches anymore: they come directly in as the kingdom events.

OKTOBERFEST AND DISCOUNTS (effective till 30.09 10:00)
1. 30% on building forts
2. 30% on building walls/lakes in valleys
3. 30% on buying vassal/mercenary camp points
4. 30% on artefact transfers
5. On Friday, all the players will get the festive gifts with a hero and several artefacts. You can find them amongst the kingdom events.

The citadels have been added to the servers New World and Golden Horde.

Almost all the available heroes have been added to the shop. Also, a portion of soldiers can be hired via the shop now.

1. The number of free hero slots has been increased to 6.
2. The kingdom events now have the more logical breakdown per section (resources, units, artefacts, heroes and so forth).

1. The gold for demoing enemy forts is given at all the servers now.
2. The list of the states (on the servers where they do exist) located next to the world map is now sorted by the number of regions controlled by each given state.

1. The indicator arrows to the player quests are now less overbearing if one moves the cursor over them.
2. We have fixed the distribution of the common ship ownership points among the guild/order members.
3. The ruins that remain of the demoed paid-for and artefact buildings do not take damage anymore. Which means that they can be rebuilt without much trouble now.
4. The ‘snowy’ units – the snowmen and the Santa Clauses – have thawed down somewhat during the summer, so, their lives have been halved down now.
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on: 26 Sep 2014 [15:33]
First off, I would like to say that I really like the idea of receiving artifacts from adventure huts in Kingdom Events...BUT it seems that the drop rate has been significantly reduced.

I like the idea of having just one type of subscription because to me it seems to make sense...BUT the cost is ridiculously high AND there is no longer an option to purchase subscriptions for diamonds. This change is no issue for the newer servers that only had the Premium subscription available, but this is a major change for the older servers and may force many players to quit or to stop purchasing gold.

I like your concept about having a more logical breakdown of Kingdom Event sections, but it is not working properly because artifacts found in adventure huts are showing up in the Resource section (and I know there are some other issues with this).

I'm not even going to touch the change made to the Snowy units because I didn't spend money or gold purchasing them, but I understand why those that did are angry.
on: 26 Sep 2014 [23:12]
Quote Envija:
Also, the artefacts obtained in the quest locations do not fall in the hero pouches anymore: they come directly in as the kingdom events.

Ok, now that I had the chance to visit a few adventure huts, my opinion is changing completely on this one. First, as stated by Maddog, I like the idea of artifacts now dropping as kingdom events but that's about it for this change, now to the worse part.

Are these artifacts dropping as kingdom events a urban legend or what? They are so extremely rare but now, the worst is the exploration itself, so far, I got exclusively resources and I don't like that, no artifacts, no hero health/attack or experience. I like that the resources drops as kingdom events, but it seems way too common now and also it's a static number. No more based on army size. I remember resources were not very common when exploring.

If that's the cost of artifacts dropping as kingdom events, then I prefer by far the old system
on: 27 Sep 2014 [01:52]
I really like it to get the artefacts in the KE , but where are the artefacts? i am staying in 3 huts 24 hours now and i think got only 3-4 artefacts, much, much less then before?

And exploring the huts, only brings resources? How to get attackpoints and healthpoints from now on?

please change these things back as they were
on: 27 Sep 2014 [03:58]
on: 25 Sep 2014 [17:09]
Unbelievable, i buy snowman etc.. at price with skill, life etc... Now you turn them down. Its like you buy a car with 200 hp , going to the garage for maintenance, getting my car back with 100 hp. (:s13:) With explanation, in summer engine is running to hot. How do you feel, yes, ..... up.

well said and so true. our santas have thawed you sold us a bad products so can we get our money back? we have recipts.... i want what i payed for or i dont buy it - simple. ...

and as for your new subscriptions lmao, there'll be no new players joining this game.. fix up before we (:s13:) off!!.

why not get the order masters of our game to look over your new changes? it's our game to and we know just as much if not more about the game play than you.... thanks birdie.
on: 27 Sep 2014 [17:12]
this new build messed up the game 10 hours in a blackrock for 3 or 4 Arts a waste of time . looks like its time for a new game with the way this build is (:s16:)
on: 27 Sep 2014 [18:13]
updated: 27 Sep 2014 [18:16]
about the changes we where told about:

I) nerf on the snowmen
thats the 3rd downgrade in a row.
I.1) you removed the jumpdrive from the archer snowmen (without telling so)
I.2) you weakened the snowmen vs barbarians and boosted several troops vs them (without telling so)
I.3) now you half their lives
having spend approx 300euro to buy those troops at xmas (little gift from me to me) i swear this wont happen again.

II) new abo.
increasing the price by 100% is ofc not nice.
one year goldabo will take me now 144euro (didnt even bother to check price for baron abo).
playing any top 20 acount without goldabo you will drop dead soon cause you need to know what kind of armies is sent at you.
so you do force me to pay 2x to 4x of the ammount i had to before to keep my account alive.
sorry, but i'll rather prefer to spend those approx 150euro (and this doesnt even include gold for such fancy things as troops/camps/camp-points) on something like 3x trippleA pc-games from store that were produced with a million-dollar-budget each and will allow me to play them till the end of my computers live without getting charged any further.
not handing invisibility and subscriptions (whatever you call it now) for diamonds but for gold only leads to gold replacing activity.
thus players using gold will have less problems with this change. but sharks without fish will starve..

III) new artefact-drop
reducing the ammount of droped artefacts that drastic might not be that bad of an idea as it looks at first glance.
it will infact stop the inflation in the 1100ad-artefacts-universe and increase the value of the few artefacts beeing arround.
anyone ever sold a simple shoulderclap for 11gold lately ?
think about it..(:s10:)
what i hate about the artefact-drop-/exploration-result notifications:
once i select one item from the lower-list-part (that needs scrolling of the list), the list is scrolled to the top as soon as the event gets selected.
if you want to work on several events in a row (not starting with the very first of the list) this gets pretty annoying pretty soon (showing no testing/playing of the game by your developers)

about the surprising changes:
A) exploration results
so far i noticed only the following type of exploration research:
90% resources (much to big treasuries to me)
5% semi-rare artefacts
5% gold (10-20 so far)
the idea of handing out gold is good. late but good.
not beeing able to develop heroes anymore is hoepfully just a bug that should get fixed asap.

B) changing the 'prolong abonoment' setting to yes for ervery1 violates german law.

C) marauderstacks seem to deal noteable more damage since the update. is there any explanation to this observation.

D) a game-provider which tries to double the prices seems to be desperate. do i have to be concerned about the wicked ammount of money i already invested into this game ?

in short terms:
i wont pay you the 150eu/year/server to continue playing this game. no way.

all my observations have been done on the servers grai and bohemia only.
on: 29 Sep 2014 [04:03]
(:s1:) coming time quit Yours game You do too much very bad changes not asking us. Better spend money to more fair game I hope You happy soon here be playing only Yours friend vitgrey with company (:s8:)
on: 01 Oct 2014 [19:42]
(:s21:)(:s21:)I don't see where the artifacts, kapēc -udeni, arrows, the shields! The last change completely negative!
on: 03 Oct 2014 [09:06]
since "build 2_49" there is no / very few artifacts in the hut`s (:s14:)
on: 03 Oct 2014 [11:21]
carovew put it eloquently you are failing us and sharks without fish will die so you fail also the game
you begining to show youre money hungry to a point that is not only unreasonable but making this game unplayable to many and not enjoyable any more to those who do buy gold n suppourt this once brillant game and as darreka states you dont even bother consult with the masses on wheter youre fixs are even wanted or good further showing the players how little they are considered(:s27:)
on: 07 Nov 2014 [18:17]
Wait I am still shocked at the price of the premium subscription. A gold sub was available for 1 yr with 7000 gold. Now a Premium sub is only good for 3 months and if I buy it now it costs me 3000 gold?ao 12000 gold for 1 year? I play on three servers and its just too much for me.
on: 07 Nov 2014 [18:23]
so I have to pay 50k gold to continue my subs or my heroes will no longer be free? I lose all the other benefits of my gold subscription0? I have no problem with you adding a new form of subscription but you really shouldn't force people to adopt it. Keep the old sub and introduce the new one for those who feel it is a better value. (:s26:)
on: 08 Nov 2014 [00:40]
Because of the premium subscription price, and the lack of options (hello one year subscription) I won't renew any of my subscriptions when they expire and won't buy gold for now, my money will be spent elsewhere. From what I could read, the 3 months option was only for the time we have the halloween discounts? That's a shame.

I can't remember a game I played who forced the player to pay the big price for short time subscriptions, some even offer lifetime subs for a good price.

I have a question to the dev team: Have you ever consulted the players about these changes to the subscriptions?
on: 08 Nov 2014 [04:31]
ok so my options are pay double to maintain the equivalent of what I currently have or I lose all my Gold subscription benefits? That's extortion isn't it?(:s16:)
on: 10 Nov 2014 [12:36]
Dear developers,

Once my subscription expires, I will not renew them nor will I purchase any more gold. You heard from the players above. Return the subscription price to at least what it was before.
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