From 1100ad
Reichweite/Angriffsradius - ist ein Parameter, der die Art und Weise beeinflusst, in der die Armee den Feind angreift.
![]() Nahkampf | ![]() Adaptiv | ![]() Fernkampf |
- Nahkampf - the army will try to reach the cell where the enemy is standing. When coming closer to the enemy archers will attack enemy if they can reach it. If army does not succeed coming close to enemy(for example enemy is behind the wall, on the wall and the army contains cavalry and machines), then stand and wait for enemy to become reachable.
- Beispiel:
- You gave a command to attack enemy's army. Army will go to the cell where it is standing, meanwhile shooting enemy with units that have ranged attack.
- Adaptiv - Anmerkung: Hier muss die genaue Beschreibung noch eingefügt werden.
- Fernkampf - if in the army there are units that have ranged attack then army will get as close with enemy as needed for the most long-range units to reach it. Then army starts shooting and doesn't come closer to the enemy.
- Beispiel:
- You gave command to attack enemy's army that is standing in distance of 6 cells from your army. Army will go to the cell where enemy is standing. If in your army there are catapults (radius 5), then right after distance till enemy is 5 cells, then your army will stop and start shooting the enemy.
- If the most long-range units of your army are archers (radius 3), then your army will come to the distance of 3 cells to start shooting.
In attack always participate all units that can reach the enemy. If enemy is at distance of 2 cells - attacks everyone that has attack radius starting from 2 and more. If you are in the same cell that enemy then both melee and shooters will participate in the fight.