
From 1100ad

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Back Last Edited: 4.9.2011 by jkljosiah


Max Level: 10
Health: 500
Limit 1 per city
Limit per player

By paying resources into the library, the hero's education levels are increased. Each level equals a control level for one extra town.


No Notes

Building Chart

'Level' 'Move cost' Knowledge Rate 'Health' 'Requirements'
1 750 750 7500 1000 5000 2 - Gold 10% Template:H1 Castle [10]
2 900 825 8250 1100 5500 2 - Gold 20% Template:H2 Castle [12]
3 1080 907 9075 1210 6050 2 - Gold 30% Template:H3 Castle [14]
4 1296 998 9982 1331 6655 2 - Gold 40% Template:H4 Castle [16]
5 1555 1098 10980 1464 7320 2 - Gold 50% Template:H5 Castle [18], Tavern [1]
6 1866 1207 12078 1610 8052 2 - Gold 60% Template:H6 Castle [20]
7 2239 1328 13286 1771 8857 2 - Gold 70% Template:H8 Tavern [2]
8 2687 1461 14615 1948 9743 2 - Gold 80% Template:H8 Tavern [3]
9 3224 1607 16076 2143 10717 2 - Gold 90% Template:H9 Tavern [4]
10 3869 1768 17684 2357 11789 2 - Gold 100% Template:H10 Tavern [5]
11 - - - - - - - Gold - Template:H11 -
12 - - - - - - - Gold - Template:H12 -
13 - - - - - - - Gold - Template:H13 -
14 - - - - - - - Gold - Template:H14 -
15 - - - - - - - Gold - Template:H15 -
16 - - - - - - - Gold - Template:H16 -
17 - - - - - - - Gold - Template:H17 -
18 - - - - - - - Gold - Template:H18 -
19 - - - - - - - Gold - Template:H19 -
20 - - - - - - - Gold - Template:H20 -

Control Point Requirements

You must donate a required amount of EVERY RESOURCE in order to control more cities.

Level Resources
1 37,500
2 93,750
3 234,375
4 585,937
5 1,464,843
Level Resources
6 3,662,108
7 9,155,269
8 22,888,183
9 57,220,430
10 143,051,074
Level Resources
11 357,627,685
12 894,069,213
13 2,235,173,033
14 5,587,932,583
15 13,969,831,458