
From 1100ad

Back Last Edited: 11.11.2010 by hiero


Max Level: 20
Health: 500
Limit 1 per city
Limit 1 per player

The Castle is the main building in a city. It is required for the settlement to operate.
Upgrading the castle will make all construction in the city faster.
A hero leader can be hired here.


By default the castle gives you the following bonuses:
10 per hour
50 Population and 100 extra storage

Building Chart

'Level' 'Move cost' Building Speed 'Health' 'Requirements'
1 4 2 9 10 9 - - Gold 100% Template:H1 -
2 5 3 18 20 16 2 - Gold 102% Template:H2 -
3 7 4 25 28 22 2 - Gold 105% Template:H3 -
4 10 5 34 38 29 2 - Gold 107% Template:H4 -
5 14 7 46 51 40 4 - Gold 110% Template:H5 -
6 19 9 63 70 54 4 - Gold 112% Template:H6 -
7 25 13 85 95 74 4 - Gold 115% Template:H8 -
8 34 17 116 129 74 4 - Gold 117% Template:H8 -
9 47 23 158 176 101 4 - Gold 120% Template:H9 -
10 64 32 215 239 137 6 - Gold 122% Template:H10 -
11 87 43 292 325 253 6 - Gold 125% Template:H11 -
12 118 59 397 442 344 6 - Gold 127% Template:H12 -
13 160 80 541 601 468 6 - Gold 130% Template:H13 -
14 218 109 735 817 637 6 - Gold 132% Template:H14 -
15 296 148 1000 1111 866 8 - Gold 135% Template:H15 -
16 403 201 1360 1511 1178 8 - Gold 137% Template:H16 -
17 548 274 1849 2055 1603 8 - Gold 140% Template:H17 -
18 745 373 2515 2794 2179 8 - Gold 142% Template:H18 -
19 1013 507 3420 3800 2964 8 - Gold 144% Template:H19 -
20 1378 689 4651 4031 4031 12 - Gold 147% Template:H20 -