FAQ/How to capture a town
From 1100ad
How To Capture A Town
major edit soon!
- (note: This is covered in the tutorial.)
- (note: You cannot build a new town, you must capture one.)
- (note: It is recommended to not start getting your first city when you just started, it should be done after all buildings are maxed out, and when your army can defend two cities)
- 1. First build a library.
- 2. Then you will see that there is a bar in the library page.
- 3. When that bar is full, you can capture a town.
- 4. The bar is filled by donating the same amount of each resource.
- 5. The amount of resources needed goes up 3 times for each new city.
- 6. For each level of the library, the cost of resource goes down by 10%
- 7. The max level of the library is 10.
- (note: It is recommended that you upgrade library to level 10 before donating resources.)
- 8. After your bar reaches 100%, the bar should empty, and you will be given a free control point. (shown below the bar)
The "Capture" Part
- 9. To capture a city, first scout a city that you would like.
- (note: the best cities to choose are the ones that are well developed (the ones that have the most upgraded buildings, and are close to good raiding cities (cities with good resource production, and storehouses so you can raid the most)
- (note: to scout, send a ranger or scout to attack a city (this is the same way to aid an ally, but u push aid) via the map button on the top of the screen.(one of those banners)
- (note: rangers can climb walls, but scouts can't (because they have horses))
- 10. When you have found a good city, send hero with army to city.
- 11. Once in the city, bring your army to the castle.
- 12. Seperate hero from rest of army via the list of buttons on the bottom of the screen. (must select hero first)
- 13. Make seperate hero capture the city by clicking on it, and clicking on the capture city button.
- 14. Keep rest of army with hero to protect it, because it takes 24 hours for capture.
- 15. If all goes as planned, you will have a second city! grats.
- (note: in second city, u can build library to increase the speed of getting a second city) (if you upgrade second library it will not decrease the amount of resources paid any further, it will just allow for you to may as "less" as a level 10 library.)
- (note: you can't build any obelisks in your second city.)