Citadel Fights Schedule

From 1100ad

Attention players and owners of Orders!

The game now has a new location – Royal Citadel!
Fights amongst orders, bloody battles, thirst for power – all of this you can find right here – in the Royal Citadel…

These fights will happen several times a week, and below you can see the Citadel capturing schedule, as well as some additional information.

Beta world – on mondays, 19:00 (server time)
Kingdom of Bohemia – on mondays, 19:00 (server time)
Crusade world – on tuedays, 19:00 (server time)
Livonian order – on wednesdays, 19:00 (server time)
Holy Grail Search – on wednesdays, 19:00 (server time)

Information about the next siege of the Royal Citadel will be available to Order members in the control panel on the right, and will show the amount of hours that remain until the next siege.