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on: 28 Jul 2009 [05:22]
ok, so many new players are quitting because this game is really confusing for them. WEll now we are going to make it unsimple with a game guild here. Put down everything u can about the game and how to grow and how to do this and that. Im not typing it all up cuz it will take me like an hour but everyone pitch in a little so we can explain the game to noobies and they wont quit because they are confuzzle about the game(:s11:)
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on: 01 Aug 2012 [20:06]
Quote jjpopovich1994:
So does that mean I build workshops around it to upgrade?

Yes, please follow the scheme that is provided on the page I linked above.
Once all buildings are finished in that order, just upgrade the "main" building.

Quote jjpopovich1994:
If so, what levels should they be?

Level 1 will be enough. (:s9:)

Quote jjpopovich1994:
Thank you for what you have done so far.

You're welcome! (:s11:)
on: 03 Aug 2012 [02:16]
ok...thanks again.
on: 14 Oct 2012 [08:11]
Can you explain how I can move a building. I built a wall on the wrong place and I want to move it. How do I do that?
on: 14 Oct 2012 [09:03]
updated: 14 Oct 2012 [09:03]
Moving buildings costs gold. I suggest you demolish the wall and build again in the correct place.
on: 14 Oct 2012 [13:25]
If you click on an open piece of land, in the window that pops up at the top you will see three choices. "Rare Building", "Building", and "Landscape". If you click on "Landscape" and scroll down, there you will see all of the building you can move to that plot of land. This is also the window you use to terraform the land within you city boundaries. However as Crimson said, to move a building costs gold, so if your wall is only a level 1, it is better to just demolish and rebuild.
on: 15 Oct 2012 [19:57]
Can someone explain me how to organize an army, how to change aggreassion and attack range. I don't know how to apply the changes.
on: 15 Oct 2012 [20:04]
updated: 15 Oct 2012 [20:10]
Under the Formations box you will see a "Configure Formations" button.
Click on "Complete the Army" under the Army Settings box.
on: 15 Oct 2012 [21:35]
Where do I find army setting box?
on: 15 Oct 2012 [22:11]
What server do you play?
on: 15 Oct 2012 [23:31]
updated: 15 Oct 2012 [23:41]
kzazar Have you been following the tutorial? The tutorial has a section that covers this. Change over to the Tactics screen, click on your unit. If you are playing on the Albion server this will be different.
on: 19 Oct 2012 [14:40]
How can I capture a neutral city?
on: 19 Oct 2012 [16:02]
in your library, you need to get 1 free city control point. Then send a army with a hero to a town, and have the hero attack the castle. But please, the tutorial is there, please follow it.
on: 19 Feb 2013 [22:30]
updated: 19 Feb 2013 [22:34]
I just received a Kingdom Event: Wrecked Wagon Quest. I would like to know if these types of quests are for my kingdom only, or if I need to worry about running into other players (:enemy:) who are trying to complete the same quests. I searched the wiki but the quest page is empty. Thank you for anyone who takes the time to answer my question.
on: 19 Feb 2013 [22:45]
updated: 19 Feb 2013 [22:47]
Right, I doubt you are ready for such a quest. Sadly, the system which is used to judge you worthy is very inaccurate. Wait until you have ~5000 troops before attempting the quest (you will get more of those quests as the game progresses, they are random). If you do go, stay on the entry point for a little while to get a feel of the place. If you are rushed and are talking heavy losses, just leave! If not, venture a little farther in. And when you think you are ready, go find the building, and use a hero to explore it. Other players around that place's location will also get the quest if they are in the same strength category as you (remember, I said the system to judge such a stat is very vague). Good luck!
on: 19 Feb 2013 [22:49]
Thank you for the fast reply, and saving my heroes. (:s11:)
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