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on: 28 Jul 2009 [05:22]
ok, so many new players are quitting because this game is really confusing for them. WEll now we are going to make it unsimple with a game guild here. Put down everything u can about the game and how to grow and how to do this and that. Im not typing it all up cuz it will take me like an hour but everyone pitch in a little so we can explain the game to noobies and they wont quit because they are confuzzle about the game(:s11:)
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on: 11 Aug 2009 [06:30]
go into the tactical map and select your scout then click on the far left tab the check the box that says something like "fixed army".
on: 19 Aug 2009 [22:38]
Why can occupay town?
Write this
No free city control points
on: 19 Aug 2009 [23:50]
How the heck do you get money do you have to pay for the money in this game??
on: 20 Aug 2009 [05:34]
Quote biggdaddy7306:
How the heck do you get money do you have to pay for the money in this game

yes, you can pay for gold or auction your hero off in the tavern for gold.
on: 21 Aug 2009 [18:26]
updated: 21 Aug 2009 [18:27]
I'm wondering what the max levels are for many of the buildings and even the obelisk, and the library, could maybe someone post a big list for me(:s1:) ty, also thanks for letting me know how to keep my scouts in one place,(:s1:)
on: 24 Aug 2009 [08:03]
hey guys wats a vassal
on: 24 Aug 2009 [17:22]
its basically when some1 pays you to be your bitch (:s8:)
on: 25 Aug 2009 [05:49]

Im new to this game Wow it so confusing like i have played other similar games, where do u start in this game?
on: 25 Aug 2009 [15:37]
krissy, go to here: http://1100ad.feildmaster.com/wiki/Main_Page. then scroll down to where u see guild's.

Feildmaster's 'First weeks' Guide
A second week Guide by Dinohunter

Look at both of those and that should help
on: 03 Sep 2009 [03:26]
Tweak you got that backwords its when they pay you to be your bitch because they are geting fucked up(:demolish:)(:s5:)
on: 05 Sep 2009 [15:16]
how do u become allies with someone is their a special button or something cause i cant figure out how to make allies it is really frustrating.
on: 05 Sep 2009 [20:57]
Click on one of their cities on valley map or do a search for their player name which will take you to their profile. Then there is a button that says "offer ally". Click it and you can type a message to them along with offering resources or gold if they accept or demanding resources or gold. The number at the top is how long they have before the message expires.
on: 15 Sep 2009 [11:29]
i log in and my screen is just white!!! how do i fix this (btw i made my account this morning) and its really starting to me (:s13:) off, help me!
on: 15 Sep 2009 [11:32]
NVM i got it (:s11:)
on: 15 Sep 2009 [12:20]
arg now its all white again!!! how can i fix this?!(:s14:)
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