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on: 28 Jul 2009 [05:22]
ok, so many new players are quitting because this game is really confusing for them. WEll now we are going to make it unsimple with a game guild here. Put down everything u can about the game and how to grow and how to do this and that. Im not typing it all up cuz it will take me like an hour but everyone pitch in a little so we can explain the game to noobies and they wont quit because they are confuzzle about the game(:s11:)
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on: 09 Aug 2011 [00:42]
Were are the entrance points to my city??? i am not sure were to build my gates!!!
on: 09 Aug 2011 [00:49]
The 4 entrance points are in the 4 corners of the city view. Watch out for the 4 small signposts. (:s1:)
on: 09 Aug 2011 [01:00]
on: 09 Aug 2011 [01:09]
Quote Groz2:

You're welcome. (:s10:)
on: 09 Aug 2011 [01:20]
How many people do i need in my army to sort out the wolves that are attacking in the tutorial??/
on: 09 Aug 2011 [01:28]
updated: 09 Aug 2011 [01:28]
Quote Groz2:
How many people do i need in my army to sort out the wolves that are attacking in the tutorial??

Do it like you are told in the tutorial, get some archers....

I don't know how many wolves attack, but I think it weren't more then 10 in my tutorial [long time ago... (:s1:)].

You will get the job done if you have 30 archers and the same amount of pikemen or swordsmen. (If it's really around 10 wolves that attack.)
The more you have the better, of course.
Also, standing on a rock or forest cell in tactics will help you a lot, just as a tip.
on: 09 Aug 2011 [20:37]
can some1 send me a picture of there city so i can see how to build walls and gates??
on: 09 Aug 2011 [21:27]
updated: 09 Aug 2011 [21:28]
There are pictures of cities uploaded on the forums, for example you can visit the threads named "Wonder of the World in 1100AD" Contest that can be found in the forum sections of each server (Grail, Beta, Crusade, ...).

Watch out though, not all of these cities show good placing of gates and walls. But they should give you an impression.
on: 07 Sep 2011 [08:39]
Hello, I have one tricky question. I am trying to rob the city, but player build walls around top left entrance. My army is always entering that city with top left entrance. How to change it - force my army to use another city entrance.

on: 07 Sep 2011 [09:22]
Quote deerooz:
How to change it - force my army to use another city entrance.

the gate you enter depends on the location you launched from.
on: 19 Sep 2011 [23:20]

1. Do I need a heroes with leadership skill if I want to create an army with more than 100 balistas or they all will shoot if I put even 300 of them in one army? (:s31:)


2. What hero skill is correct for Horse archers - archery or cavalry?
on: 19 Sep 2011 [23:31]
Quote goblin3:
1. Do I need a heroes with leadership skill if I want to create an army with more than 100 balistas or they all will shoot if I put even 300 of them in one army?

You will need to have leadership 250 will attack at max with master leadership.
Quote goblin3:
2. What hero skill is correct for Horse archers - archery or cavalry?

Cavalry (:s11:)
on: 19 Sep 2011 [23:33]
updated: 19 Sep 2011 [23:35]
Quote goblin3:
1. Do I need a heroes with leadership skill if I want to create an army with more than 100 balistas or they all will shoot if I put even 300 of them in one army?

The morale rules apply for all units. The exact numbers are object of discussions, but 300 will definetly need 3 heroes with master leadership.

Quote goblin3:
2. What hero skill is correct for Horse archers - archery or cavalry?

It's cavalry. You can tell the groups apart by the background coulour of the pictures:
blue - fighter
green - archer
orange - machines
purple - cavalry

€dit: Jake7 was quicker, good job.
on: 19 Sep 2011 [23:42]
How many ballistas do you recommend in army with 2 heroes with master leadership?

How to keep morale of troops high?
on: 19 Sep 2011 [23:44]
Quote schnitzer90:
€dit: Jake7 was quicker, good job.

(:s8:) Sorry i hate it when that happens to me, i was quicker but you answered in good detail(:s9:)
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