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on: 28 Jul 2009 [05:22]
ok, so many new players are quitting because this game is really confusing for them. WEll now we are going to make it unsimple with a game guild here. Put down everything u can about the game and how to grow and how to do this and that. Im not typing it all up cuz it will take me like an hour but everyone pitch in a little so we can explain the game to noobies and they wont quit because they are confuzzle about the game(:s11:)
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on: 11 Sep 2010 [07:19]
Ok, I have a second city now and need to know if there is any way that my first city can help it out. like can I give it resources??
on: 11 Sep 2010 [20:06]
Quote AceOfCombat:
I have a second city now and need to know if there is any way that my first city can help it out. like can I give it resources??

Read this, it should answer your question:
on: 13 Sep 2010 [19:55]
hey, so, a late reply to this, also a little off the mark... just wanting to respond to initial concern on newbies leaving game. I've played this game maybe 5 times now under different names. I'd just like to explain how the game has been for me and why i've left so many times and rejoined.

firstly, it is obviously a little confusing when starting a game, however this forum is great and i've never not had a question answered. My main concern with real time strategy games that are online is the constant pressure of how behind you always feel, i've played a fair few now and this is my main concern, it is best when explaining this game to newcomers that this isn't that much of a problem, it is important not to use examples of strategy that highten this by describing what must be done by when, the learning process should be as organic as possible within the mechanics of the game. However saying this, I have also left this game before because of not understanding the game properly in the beginning that has left me vulnerable late on that ultimatley frustrated me too much. It is obvious to me that alot of newcomers will leave because they'll feel like they've made a mistake that doesn't fit into their predisposed idea of where they should be at in the game.

It is on reflection of this that has brought me away from the game and back again, i really love the mechanics, i love the co operative play and how much interaction their can be, also if you wish you ca sit back and admire your empire.

to fix what i have outlined a smy main concern is difficult, it comes down to a choice of language when referring to the timeframe of the game, and balancing this with how the actual mechanics of the game reflect on each individuals progress. my intiial response would be to offer a return function in th game that'd mean returning to apoint in a players development they were supposedly more happy with, however i understand how much this would complicate a lot of other matters.

i don't want to sound like i'm lecturing here, i just ahve spent alot of time developing board games and feel like my opinions maybe of use.


on: 14 Sep 2010 [15:59]
(:s14:)i cant figure out how to move my fountain of glory(:s14:) i flaged it and chose cell to move to. cliicked landscape, it shows fountain but will not move, can anyone help. let me say, i have demolished all my buildings in this city with exception of farms and resource collection so i can make final upgrade, though i have not made final upgrade yet
on: 18 Sep 2010 [12:44]
gunner1700 hey don't suppose you'll check my wall an gate defenses for me to make sure i'm secure, last time a started this game i was scuppered by this early on.
thanks, i'll send you pg link if your happy to help.


on: 07 Oct 2010 [11:00]
Another question about defenses:

Quote gunner1700:
How to defend:
as soon as u can build walls in front of ur 4 gates in ur city . most only need two but in a rare case u might need 3 or 4.

How do you tell which gates you don't need to secure?

At first I thought it's about the rocks/mountains, but then I read in the wiki they only slow down enemy units, while the walls actually stop Cavalry and Machines.
on: 20 Oct 2010 [03:07]
I read that troops on walls get defense points. Do those defense points get better and better with higher level walls?

I am also waiting for the answer to Sugmund's good question on Oct 7

Also, I am about to the end of my two week protection. How many troops should I have to be able to protect myself?
on: 20 Oct 2010 [06:08]
Another question. I've tried to move a scout onto a wall and it says that the target is unreachable. Why? I thought that troops on walls were a good thing.
on: 20 Oct 2010 [08:08]
Quote Sigmund:
How do you tell which gates you don't need to secure?

you need to secure all of them...
Quote Sigmund:
At first I thought it's about the rocks/mountains, but then I read in the wiki they only slow down enemy units, while the walls actually stop Cavalry and Machines.

Quote motzi:
Do those defense points get better and better with higher level walls?

info provided by flavus:
Bonuses for units hp on walls:
1 lvl: +15%
2 lvl: +55%
3 lvl: +100%

Bonuses for units hp on gates:
1 lvl: +50%
2 lvl: +100%
3 lvl: +150%

Bonuses for watchtower
1 lvl: +20%, +1 sight range around
2 lvl: +40%, +2 sight range
3 lvl: +60%, +3 sight range
4 lvl: +80%, +4 sight range
5 lvl: +100%, +5 sight range

Quote motzi:
How many troops should I have to be able to protect myself?

just worry about the walls for now. most people will only be able to rob 1k or 2k resources without demoing your walls. make sure they are build to level 3 and maybe even 3 level 3 repair squads and you should be on for a long time. however, you should start building troops too when you can. you have to keep building them. there is not right amount since everything you do affects the outcome of a battle.
Quote motzi:
Another question. I've tried to move a scout onto a wall and it says that the target is unreachable. Why? I thought that troops on walls were a good thing.

Quote Sigmund:
while the walls actually stop Cavalry
on: 29 Oct 2010 [05:54]
How do I tell how many reputation points I have?
on: 29 Oct 2010 [06:46]
click on you name at the top of the screen.
on: 01 Nov 2010 [03:37]
I've built walls, gates, watchtower and have put troops on top. When an enemy attacks, i want the troops to stay on top of the wall, not move toward the enemy and lose their advantage. Is there a way to do this or will they always move toward the enemy?
on: 01 Nov 2010 [04:06]
set the army's aggression to low
on: 02 Nov 2010 [03:40]
Thanks Crimson. Will setting it to low mean that my army won't attack unless attacked? I don't really want that. I want them to attack without leaving their spot.

Also, is there any point in a second library in a second village? I thought it would be cheaper to get a third village by starting over with the library in the second village, but it doesn't seem to be of any benefit.
on: 05 Nov 2010 [05:42]
Another question. I have troops from my first city that are currently in my second city. How do I send them back to my first city?
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