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on: 28 Jul 2009 [05:22]
ok, so many new players are quitting because this game is really confusing for them. WEll now we are going to make it unsimple with a game guild here. Put down everything u can about the game and how to grow and how to do this and that. Im not typing it all up cuz it will take me like an hour but everyone pitch in a little so we can explain the game to noobies and they wont quit because they are confuzzle about the game(:s11:)
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on: 07 Dec 2009 [05:19]
yes, i have heard that pikemen and guards are good against bears. they seemed to work fairly well when i tried them.
on: 26 Dec 2009 [10:19]
what does multiple buildings means? barracks and worskop and stable do not upgrade after level 8??????please guide me...
Artemis Cahill
on: 26 Dec 2009 [19:10]
...theres a pic... read the wiki...surround the building in level 1 buildings on 2 sides
on: 04 Jan 2010 [19:15]
(:s38:)how do i get:(:s38:)
control city free points ????
on: 05 Jan 2010 [02:06]
i am tired of explaining this. (:s26:)Read the wiki next time. (:s27:) Fill up your library at lv 10 and then send ur hero and army to a city. Separate your hero from your army and click conquer
on: 06 Jan 2010 [18:44]
(:s14:)I need your help.... i attack some city, change name of this city, but how to mark this city like my city.... is it posible to make stors from this new city and how ? (:s14:)
Artemis Cahill
on: 06 Jan 2010 [19:05]
well first dont post it two times, and i dont understand you...
on: 28 Jan 2010 [12:36]
I can't join my 2 armies together, could someone give some basic instructions
Artemis Cahill
on: 29 Jan 2010 [02:03]
select both armies and push the "join selected armies..."
on: 06 Feb 2010 [05:15]
I can't figure out how to respond to a request for an alliance...I want to accept, but don't see an option!
on: 06 Feb 2010 [05:20]
the thumbs up is the accept. however it may be faded meaning the contract is expired...
on: 06 Feb 2010 [05:21]
it's only been 2 days...how long is the magic thumb supposed to last?
on: 06 Feb 2010 [07:03]
depends on the time-line they set for their offer. The general deadline is 24 hours though. You can always send them another ally offer
on: 16 Feb 2010 [18:32]
watch this video it explains the building (:s25:)(:s24:)
on: 26 Feb 2010 [02:40]
ok i have a couple of questions how do you build walls to defend your entire city, do you have to encompass all your buildings? how do you position armies to defend your kingdom and if they stay at the rally point will they defend your kingdom if your attacked? and how do you make more room for buildings?
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