on: 19 Dec 2022 [21:09]
updated: 29 Dec 2022 [12:45]
Congratulations for all winners!(:s22:)
Link to video:

Nick |Lottery Nr|server|Nr. of winning ticket

1. "wiwiva" Blitz2 (BALCANICA) 4
2. "Ilzite" Blitz2 (ROMANICA) 1
3. "98746" Blitz2 (ARAGON) 1
4. "HUMJU2" Blitz2 (ROMANICA) 2
5. "EntonijsIV" Blitz2 (OTTON) 2
6. "alleksan77" Blitz2 (ROMANICA) 1
7. "jo47112" BlitBz2 (OTTON) 2
8. "AlexXXI" Blitz2 (BALCANICA) 3
9. "Qruelinho" Blitz2 (ROMANICA) 4
10. "ninuta08" Blitz2 (EPIC) 8
11. "cindarella" Blitz2 (ROMANICA) 1
12. "CEO21" Blitz2 (BALCANICA) 1
13. "ninuta08" Blitz2 (BALCANICA) 2
14. "jumbofix" Blitz2 (BALCANICA) 2
15. "BUZZI" Blitz2 (BALCANICA) 4
16. "craghack" Blitz1 (BALCANICA)
17. "AGhaye" Blitz2 (ROMANICA) 3
18. "Odinocka" Blitz1 (ROMANICA)
19. "alleksan77" Blitz2 (ROMANICA) 6
20. "BaquetaRS" Blitz1 (BALCANICA)
21. "Adler01" Blitz2 (ROMANICA) 1
22. "DrBob45" Blitz2 (BALCANICA) 4
23. "alleksan77" Blitz2 (ROMANICA) 7
24. "Zicke66" Blitz1 (ROMANICA)
25. "AtzeSchroed" Blitz2 (OTTON) 5
26. "rapidscr71" Blitz2 (ROMANICA) 1
27. "Lorca_IX" Blitz1 (ARAGONA)
28. "UmciaUmcia" Blitz2 (EPIC) 4
29. "rodolfo1001" Blitz2 (ROMANICA) 2
30. "AlexKronin" Blitz2 (ROMANICA) 1
31. "skarlat1986" Blitz2 (ARAGON) 5
32. "rodolfo1001" Blitz2 (ROMANICA) 2
33. "Odinocka" Blitz2 (ROMANICA) 1
34. "ArmandsVoits" Blitz2 (EPIC) 1
35. "DrBob45" Blitz2 (BALCANICA) 9
36. "boxxer" Blitz1 (ROMANICA)
37. "alleksan77" Blitz2 (ROMANICA) 3
38. "98746" Blitz2 (ARAGON) 5
39. "ninuta08" Blitz2 (BALCANICA) 6
40. "CEO21" Blitz2 (BALCANICA) 3


All players who do not get lucky in Blitz1 / Blitz2 Lottery will get 1 ticket for Blitz3 (:s18:) Lottery:
(:gold:)Blitz3 Lottery held from 22.12.2022-26.12.2022


NB! Higher Level winners should write ticket for location coordinates:


4 times - the prize the location of the Rhodes fortress allowance: + 22k + 11k + 5100 + 3500 + the location of the promo offer for 22k (if you have enough free required points).

(:s22:) 4.LVL alleksan77 ROMANICA

3 times - the prize the location of the Rhodes fortress allowance: + 11k + 5100 + 3500 + the location of the promo offer for 11k (if you have enough free required points),

(:s24:) 3.LVL ninuta08 BALCANICA

2 times - the prize the location of the Rhodes fortress allowance: + 5100 + 3500 + locations from the promo offer for 5100 (if you have enough free required points)

(:s7:) 2.LVL Odinocka ROMANICA
(:s10:) 2.LVL rodolfo1001 ROMANICA
(:s10:) 2.LVL DrBob45 BALCANICA
(:s7:) 2.LVL 98746 ARAGON

1 time the prize the location of the Rhodes fortress allowance + 3500 (without locations).


Blitz1 Lottery Results:
