Dear players!
We are pleased to announce our holiday research competition "Vivat - Octoberfest 2020"!
To receive a holiday gift, you need to place the researched logs in one report with the found festive artifacts:
Octoberfest Beer Barrel - 3
Octoberfest Dark Beer - 3
Octoberfest Dish - 3
Octoberfest Gold Coins - 3
Octoberfest Light Beer - 3
Octoberfest Pinafore - 3
Prize: 550000 gold, 55000 diamonds + holiday bonus.
Octoberfest Beer Barrel - 2
Octoberfest Dark Beer - 2
Octoberfest Dish - 2
Octoberfest Gold Coins - 2
Octoberfest Light Beer - 2
Octoberfest Pinafore - 2
Prize: 400000 gold, 40000 diamonds + holiday bonus.
Octoberfest Beer Barrel - 1
Octoberfest Dark Beer - 1
Octoberfest Dish - 1
Octoberfest Gold Coins - 1
Octoberfest Light Beer - 1
Octoberfest Pinafore - 1
Prize: 300000 gold, 30000 diamonds + holiday bonus.
Find any three types of holiday artifacts:
Prize: 100000 gold, 10000 diamonds + bonus.
And now the conditions of competition:
• Epic server does not participate in the competition!
- Logs are accepted only from temporary locations.
- In the report you can specify logs with compulsory research.
- Temporary locations located inside the contour are not accepted!
- Location "secret treasure" will not be considered.
- All battle logs have to be in the above mentioned contest period of time.
- In order to preserve you logs copy them to your computer.
- Attentively check your report before sending!
- Any fraud with logs will lead to disqualification
- Sart of the contest: 2.10.2020 , 00-00 hours (server time). Finish 8.10.2020, 23-59 (server time).
- Each player can send only one report, reception will be ended 9.10.2020 , 10-00 hours (server time).
Attention combat logs are accepted only in the form of report! To draw up your report, click on the picture:
Forward brave knights and beautiful ladies and not a step back!
Good luck and have fun on exploring locations!