on: 31 Oct 2018 [19:14]

Dear players!
A holiday contest is announced: “Halloween-witchcraft ...”
To get a prize, you need to come up with a “real spell” that should not contain meaningful words or phrases.
It is important that the invented spell sounds as gloomier as possible, and most important to explain to the people around what kind of magic effect is obtained with the help of the spoken.
It will be interesting if the result of the incantation is something funny, for example, “From this spell, fish tails appear instead of ears”.

- Sart of the contest: 31.10.2018. Finish 15.11.2018 , 23-59 hours (server time)

[b]Prize: 1300 gold, 1300 diamonds, resources, unical units.

The most gloom magic spells will get a super prize:
Prize: 2000 gold, 2000 diamonds, Three chests, resources, unical units.