on: 21 Jun 2018 [14:37]
updated: 16 Jul 2018 [11:15]
The summer solstice day is the lightest day of the year, for it is on this day, only once a year, that we can spend the shortest night sitting by the fire among our family, friends or just acquaintances.

The 1100AD team sincerely congratulates all players on the upcoming Holiday and wishes that peace and love reign in your families and hearts.
In honor of this holiday - starting from June 20 until July 12, you will receive new items, promotions, games and special offers will be available in the game!

In all the cities where there is a free square of sand or grass, there will be a special, festive tree - Oak. Once in a while the Oak tree gets lit with colorful ribbons and brings its owner a gift. Visit your oak regularly and have fun finding the gifts! Among the gifts can be found - resources, artifacts, unique soldiers, gold and diamonds.

Take a part in the mini-game "gather three in a row" and try your luck in the battle among the best!
The rules of the game are very simple:
It is necessary to collect in a row or column of 3, 4 or 5 identical elements.
Depending on the number of collected items, the player receives points. This time ,on the playing field, obstacles in the form of blocks appeared, that block the elements. Blocks can be split by connecting two striped elements/two bombs or smashed with a hammer.
Accumulate game points and get super prizes! The more games are played, the more valuable the prizes you can get.

For each player and each Order, there are statistics on the number of points collected and at the end of the holidays the TOP-10 best players and TOP-10 best Orders on each server will receive valuable prizes.

Additionally, we are announcing a mid-server contest!
Each player who has reached 20 million points among all servers will receive a festive prize set and a bonus city with 10,000 mercenary points and population points, and for every next +1 million points the bonus on the city will increase by 1,000 points.

The top 3 players from this TOP will receive special prizes, however each player can receive only one prize in the categories:
- The best player in the mini-game;
- The best decorator;
- the best collector of combinations;
- The best player in effectiveness;
- Hot Player.

Additionally, the best 5 Orders that have won the mid server competition will receive special prizes in each category!

Attention: The final limit in the game for the city points is 99 points. Those players who have already reached this limit will also receive the prizes used for the game levels, however, to get a guaranteed prize city, you will need to contact technical support and tell - which castle player wants to replace, while retaining all the the bonuses that the castle had.

Follow the statistics of the game and win unique prizes!

Mini-game "Festive table" - it's time to prepare for the holiday and set the table for the guests! To complete the task, you need to collect special artifacts that can be obtained for the study in temporary locations (Wrecked wagon, military camp, fair, dense forest, misty mine, Iroquois camp, Creek of the Lost Ships,Gisors Castle,Burned Village). The artifacts need to be inserted into the appropriate slots on the festive table. When all parts are in their places, the player receives the specified reward. List of rewards can be mixed for gold.

For each player, statistics are kept about how many festive tables have been laid. At the end of the holidays, the TOP 10 best players will get a prize. Your place in the top you can see in the TOP statistics.

In the Mini game "festive table" there is also a mid server competition!
TOP-10 best players among all servers that will gain the most points in the mini-game will receive valuable prizes, as well as TOP-3. Among all the servers, the 5 orders will be able to win +1 point to the Order skill.


The game has a new location of mercenaries - Forest Camp. Possession of such location brings the owner mercenary points and gives an opportunity to hire a soldier - Forest Huntress.
The location has three levels and it can be built in the valley through the outpost, however, for the player in order to obtain a building permit, it is necessary to open the personal skill "Forest Camp". The Forest Huntress can be hired as other mercenaries through the Obelisk and the Fountain of Glory. In the hands of the Huntress the strongest archery bow, made of a clean piece of wood and arrows, like needles, capable of passing through toughest armor. This soldier has a great advantage in the landscapes "Forest" and "Palms".

For the time of the celebration, a new soldier will appear in the game - the Huntsman. A soldier can be obtained for a mini-game, purchased or received as a gift. The soldier will serve until September, after which he will automatically retire. The exact time of disappearance will be announced later.


We represent you a new unique draft building - the Paris Observatory!
The Paris Observatory - was founded in 1667 by the decree of the King of France and Navarre Louis XIV. To date, the observatory is the oldest one currently operating in the world.

You can build such structure as a unique draft building. The building has 10 levels and as a bonus it allows its owner to receive additional mercenary and population points and and also saves your resources on investing in city points. To establish a building or improve it is required to have a special draft with you.

A piece of history:
In 1665, French scientists asked the Minister of King Louis XIV Colbert for creation of the Science Academy. And in 1666 issued a decree on the establishment of the Royal Academy of Sciences, and the following year, after receiving the blessing of Pope Clement, - a decree on the construction of the Royal Observatory. Initially, it was planned that scientists from all over the world would gather here to debate, but the remoteness of Paris did not allow these plans to come to a reality. And the observatories took up their direct duties - watching the stars.
The building was designed by the architect Claude Perrault, Colbert's secretary and brother of the famous storyteller Charles Perrault. The place for construction was determined by a whole college of mathematicians. June 21, 1667, the day of the summer solstice, they outlined the site with the expectation that the Parisian meridian will pass through the center of the observatory. The building was built quite quickly for that time, and on May 1, 1682, King Louis XIV solemnly opened the Royal Observatory.

In the Skill Tree, 15 new skills have appeared. All skills are focused on soldiers and give them both positive and negative bonuses.
Among the legendary skills, there was an addition:
1) The new skill "Forest Camp" - the presence of this skill will allow you to build a new location Forest Camp in the valley.
2) The new skill "Intelligence Hero" - the presence of such a skill gives all your heroes visibility in the city on +1 cell.

In the orders among the additional skills there were changes:
The Skill of the Order "Shooting" now gives a bonus to the new mercenary Forest Huntress.
New skill of the Order "City Guard" has been added - increases the base attack and health of City Guards.
New skill of the Order "Forest Hunters" has been added- increases the base attack, health and attack speed of Forest Hunters.
New skill of the Order "Almogavar" has been added - increases the base attack and health of Almogavars.
New skill of the Order "Berserk" has been added- increases the basic attack and health of Berserks.
New skill of the Order "Hungarian Robbers" has been added- increases the base attack and health of the Hungarian Rogues.

In the orders among the Citadel skills there were additions:
New skill of the Order "Heavy Guard" has been added- increases the base attack, health, attack speed and movement speed of Heavy Guards. The skill will work if the Order has a captured Citadel.
New skill of the Order "Varangian Guards" has been added- increases the base attack, health, attack speed and movement speed of the Varangian Guardians. The skill will work if the Order has a captured Sea Citadel.

Do not miss the festive events in the game:
On the night of June 23 to June 24, in honor of the Summer Solstice, everyone will receive pleasant gifts!

During the holidays in the game store you can find items at low prices, as well as the following discounts:
- 50% for the transfer of artifacts;
- 40% for the purchase of vassal points and points of possession of locations;
- 40% for the construction of tunnels;
- 30% for the construction of all mercenary camps;
- 30% for the construction of the fort and walls in the valley;

Limit of lighthouses raised to 40
Improved TTX of Marauder, Norman Archer, Knight

1. The solstice is called so because the Sun on this day (and a few days before and after) does not seem to move from its place, frozen at its zenith for the whole day. In other days of the year, the inclination of the Earth relative to its axis causes the "movement" of the Sun across the sky during the day.

2. The largest fire in the world was kindled on the day of the summer solstice. This happened in 2010 in Alesund (Norway), where the fire has reached 40.5 meters in height.

3. Thousands of people gather at Stonehenge to celebrate the summer solstice.

4. In Ancient Egypt, the day of the solstice was the first day of the new year. The Egyptians noticed that before this day in the sky appears the star Sirius, which was believed to contribute to the spill of the great Nile River, which played a huge role in agriculture. Therefore, in the Egyptian calendar year began with the ascent of Sirius, immediately after the solstice.

5. In Ancient China, the day of the summer solstice "switched" yang to yin, and winter - back. Yin and yang were considered the basis of everything, and their interaction is the source of all the elements and the whole diversity of the world around us. Until the summer solstice, yang rules the world, and then, until the winter solstice, yin.

6. In Ancient Greece, the summer solstice day was the day of universal social equality. On this day the Greeks praised Kron, the god of agriculture, and the slaves participated in the festivities on a par with free people, without any restrictions.
on: 12 Jul 2018 [18:20]
An alles Spieler zur Information und dem Zweck zu zeigen, dass wir offen und ehrlich spielen. Dazu habe ich nachfolgendes Ticket an den Suport gesendet.

Liebes Support – Team, ich erhebe Einspruch bezüglich der Ordenswertung im Sommerevent. Dabei beziehe ich mich auf die von Ihnen erstellte Spielsatzung. Diese Satzung besagt ganz klar, dass nach der Fixierung der Orden während eines Events KEIN Spieler in den Orden aufgenommen werden darf. Ansonsten wird der gesamte Orden von der Wertung ausgenommen. Da der Orden „Die Üblichen Verdächtigen“ während des Events den Spieler „Bimmel_Matze“ aufgenommen hat, muss dieser Orden nun auch nach Ihren Spielregeln aus der Ordenswertung vom Sommerevent ausgeschlossen werden. Ich bitte um Beachtung dieses Vorfalls und um die Einhaltung sowie Ausführung Ihrer Spielregeln. http://www2.1100ad.com/de/forum/view/36494/last#btm Mit ganz lieben Grüßen
on: 12 Jul 2018 [19:56]
I have something to consider. at the last event, the honest gilde deichbrand member was admitted during an event and the se member just had to leave the guild, that's all. was that a special rule for this guild who plays so honestly ?? I also require the support that you also check all member of the deichbrand guild, when the members have joined the guild and publicly poast the data, so that all can understand. Thank you. actually it is ridiculous to even discuss it at all just check the data and make it public ..
on: 12 Jul 2018 [21:18]
updated: 12 Jul 2018 [21:19]
genuaso sollte der support dann doch bitte auch die gilde Deichbrand überprüfen , da sich folgende gilde kurz vorm event aufgelöst hat und nach und nach erst einige spieler aufgenommen hat .
zu beachten sind maszlag, size55, Snumsnumrik , accobra427 und bettina612

mit lieben grüßen

alkawomi (:s1:)
on: 12 Jul 2018 [21:43]
Ist schon cool wie getroffene Hunde heulen können.
Unser Order muss sich null rechtfertigen. Aber scheinbar ist es doch goldrichtig, was in dem Ticket aufgeführt wurde.

noch viel liebere Grüsse

on: 12 Jul 2018 [21:59]
Na rudi. ich schreib mal auf deutsch das du es auch versteht. du sagt wie ehrlich ihr seit. hahaha. ich bin froh das ihr so doof seit und es öffentlich macht. so sehen vieleicht mal alle anderen die nicht so oft on sind wie arm eure gilde ist und wie ihr euch die wahrheit zurecht biegt. ich will das ambre alle daten öffentlich macht, wann ihr welche member in die gilde aufgenommen habt und zwar vom sommer-event und vom oster-event. dann sieht man es schwarz auf weis was für betrüger und hinterlistige typen ihr seit. das du hier überall rumheulst, darauf geh ich nicht ein, du kannst ja nichtmal logs lesen(:s8:)
on: 13 Jul 2018 [03:15]
dass wir offen und ehrlich spielen

und das detail das Deine gilde waerend des events zwischenzeitlich aus einer person bestand ist unerheblich ?
wieso zum henker reisst Du das maul auf ?!?
on: 13 Jul 2018 [09:34]
Also ich muss schon sagen dieser Rodolfo übertrifft sich immer wieder (:s8:)
Was man über ihn denkt ist auch klar (:s13:)
aber so nen schwachsinn auch noch ins forum zu posten ist echt die krönung.
DB muss sich nicht rechtfertigen?
Dann soll eure ich nenn die mal netterweise "Gildenführerin" zeigen wann die lezten Member nach ihren Ausraster wieder zu DB gekommen sind.
Ich würde niemanden ans bein pissen Rodooooolflo wenn man selber bis zur S..... im Hals steckt.
wir spielen offen und ehrlich (:s19:) respekt rodoooolflo
Ambergames sollte euch bei jeden Contest disqualifizieren und damit mal ein Zeichen setzen an eure EHRLICHKEIT
Grüße Rapidscr71
on: 14 Jul 2018 [10:58]
Hier nun Informationen von unserer Seite:
Der einzige stimmige eventuelle Angriffspunkt wäre Maszlag. Aber auch nur eventuell. Das Ordenfixing ist laut Aussage am 30.05. gewesen. An dem Tag gab es für alle Orden und deren Mitglieder reichlich Geschenke . Da war der Order Deichbrand noch vollständig und Bimmelmatze zB noch bei uns . Die Einladung an Maszlag ging vor dem Event raus. Angenommen wurde sie Urlaubsbedingt erst am 22.06.
Leider kann man in Silverskins Account nichts mehr nachvollziehen, da einige Nachrichten, gestern durch Geisterhand, welche vorgestern Abend noch vorhanden waren, verschwunden sind.
Allerdings gibt es vom 21.06. 10:27 Uhr eine Rundmail an alle Ordermitglieder, in der man wunderbar nachvollziehen kann, wer zum Zeitpunkt bereits wieder an Bord war.
Hier fehlen nur Amorekm - er kam am 21.06. gegen 17:30 Uhr in den Order - und wie bereits erwähnt Maszlag.
Der feine Unterschied liegt nun daran , dass Deichbrand bei dem Sommer Event 2018 keine neuen Mitglieder aufgenommen hat die nicht bei der Fixing am 30.05.18 anwesend waren.
Und für alle die etwas schwach beim denken sind :
30.5.2018 maszlag - Orden DB -
während des Event - Orden DB
30.05.2018 Bimmelmatze - Orden DB
während des Event - Orden ÜV
on: 14 Jul 2018 [11:06]
Eins möchte ich persönlich noch zusetzen :
insbesondere an Member wie Humju2, Majestic42, Chadess und einige mehr
Der Wettbewerb, der EURE Leistungen mal wiedergespiegelt hat, ist zu einer Verkaufsschlacht verkommen.
Finde ich persönlich Schade, sehr Schade
on: 14 Jul 2018 [14:57]
Ich habe screens gesehen von euren lettischen Freund die beweisen
Das 3 member zu spät gekommen sind.
Müsste ich alkawomi bitten die mir wieder zu zeigen
Also halt ganz schön die backen still
Von wegen Urlaubsbedingt bei maszlag
Auch hier gibt es pn die beweisen das er nicht im Urlaub war
Lass dir nen anderen Blödsinn einfallen Presse Sprecher von dB
on: 14 Jul 2018 [15:06]
updated: 14 Jul 2018 [15:13]
Quote rodolfo1001:
insbesondere an Member wie Humju2, Majestic42, Chadess

Quote rodolfo1001:

ernsthaft ?!?
Du pisst MIR ans bein weil ich zuviel gekauft habe ?!?
auf welcher datenbasis ?
die gekauften highscores koennen ja wohl kaum basis des angriffs sein:

lass Deine manipulationsversuche!

Quote rodolfo1001:
Finde ich persönlich Schade, sehr Schade

was Du lieber finden solltest waer grips und ein kruemel weniger dreistigkeit.

und vielleicht solltest Du mal laengere Zeit ueber
mal ab von der anekdote als solche:
erfolgreiches handeln zu kopieren macht einen nicht automatisch erfolgreich, wenn man die motivation fuers handeln nicht begriffen hat bzw. begreifen kann.

das demonstriert nur jedem erfahrenen beobachter das man eben einen pfeife ist.
on: 14 Jul 2018 [19:39]
Es geht sich nicht darum wann einem die aufnahme geschickt wurde es geht darum wann er beigetrete ist ja matze ist später dazu gestoßen bei euch aber sind noch weitere ausser maszlag dazu gestoßen .
zu sehen wie folgt in der chronik und zwar bei accobra https://c2n.me/3VrL3WP
desweiteren sind erst nachdem maszlag euch beigetreten ist auch size und snumsnum dazu gekommen also labert keinen scheiß (:s25:)(:s25:)