Soon we will all enjoy a time of the most bright, colorful and joyful holiday –
Christmas and New Year!
All the world is already preparing for it: people decorating their homes, setting up Christmas trees, preparing gifts. And we are also joining this pre-holiday havoc!
First pre-holiday update is coming live on
14th of December already!
We continue our recent tradition and therefore all towns that have free grass or sand cells will have a tavern that needs to be explored in order to get ancient coins. Ancient coins can be exchanged for interesting items by using the Christmas Tree.
During ancient coin collecting event the game will also have a new location available –
Igloo. This location provides a possiblity of collecting ancient coins from several holiday taverns.
Each player and Order will have coin collecting statistics enabled and after the holidays TOP 10 of the best players and Orders on each server will receive valuable prizes. Among the prizes there will be new soldiers –
Northern Hunter and Flame-colored Archeress that will be fully available with the next update!
The TOP-3 Orders win an extra point to the skills of the Order.
This time we also add a
cross-server contest for Orders and individual players!
Award list for cross-server contest:
TOP 3 Orders will receive gold that will be transferred to Order Treasury and additional +1 Order skill of their choice (can’t exceed contest limits), as well as artifact set for each Order Knight!
Individual contest will award
TOP 10 of the players. Each of the winners will receive a special prize city with +1 city control point as well as artifacts, soldiers, tokens and more!
Cross-server contest statistics can be found on the game portal.
Ancient Coin event will be available from
14.12.17 to 28.12.17.
Do you feel the holiday spirit already?