on: 12 May 2017 [21:56]
Top holiday drop
#1 BAM BAM 16 602 + 1 point to any of the Order skills on your choose.
#2 .Dark_World_Demons. 15 886 + 1 point to any of the Order skills on your choose.
#3 San Jorge 14 474 + 1 point to any of the Order skills on your choose.

Best order in drunken brawl
#1 San Jorge 10 977 + 1 point to any of the Order skills on your choose.
#2 .Dark_World_Demons. 8 741 + 1 point to any of the Order skills on your choose.
#3 Kingdom of Heaven 2 958 + 1 point to any of the Order skills on your choose.