on: 17 Jan 2017 [12:55]
updated: 17 Jan 2017 [17:19]
Dear Ladies and Knights!
Now it is time to define "The most, most, most ...". (:s24:)

There is the Nominations’ list of players where are "The most, most, most ...".
We offer all players Holy Grail Search server to vote and choose from each nomination only one nickname.

Report of the vote can be sent only once.
Only players who are listed in the lists could participate in the nominations.
Date the termination of voting 29.01.2017, 23:59 hours (server time)

Example report for your vote:
Number of nomination, player nickname from the list.

1. Name the player from the list.
2. Name the player from the list.
3. Name the player from the list.
4. Name the player from the list.
5. Name the player from the list.
6. Name the player from the list.
7. Name the player from the list.
8. Name the player from the list.
9. Name the player from the list.
10. Name the player from the list.

Gentleman of the Year: Write nickname of the player and server, which nice to talk and does not violate the rules of the chat.
launao, Fuchso2, Silverskin, Kavko

Teacher of the Year: Write nickname of the player and server, which is always answer any question of the game and helps with advice in a difficult situation.
LA1115, Fuchso2, Silverskin

Conqueror of the Year: Write nickname of the player and server, which in your opinion is the most terrible player that captures locations and cities, destroying forts, destroying the contours and buildings of the cities and constantly attacks its neighbors.
Chessnick, czajda1987

Fluder of the Year: Write nickname of the player and server, who is difficult to communicate, constantly interfere with other communication and endless makes rubbish in the chat with emoticons
size55, chessnick, mausiii77, Smurf

Brawler of the Year: Write nickname of the player and server, who is impossible to communicate, constantly offends and violates the rules of communication in the chat.
Anonymous69, chessnick, mausiii77, Smurf

Best Chat Moderator: Write Moderator’s nickname and server, with whom is nice to talk, always helps in difficult situations,answers the questions with details , informs about all the updates of the game, carefully monitors all violations of the game chat.
LA1115, Fuchso2, avadim

Best Forum Moderator: Write Moderator’s nickname with whom is nice to talk, always helps in difficult situations,answers the questions with details , informs about all the updates of the game, carefully monitors all violations on the forum.
vvv111, Maddog, _Pauk_
stepnina, LilJon, Teves, CreatorLv

Тhe best holder of Contests or Quizzes in the chat rooms of the game.

Knight of the Year: Write nickname of the player and server, with which you are ready to go into battle and scouting.
mazlag, Fuchso2, horatz, ACCobra427

Lady year: Write nickname of the player and server, to which you are willing to give half my kingdom for a tender look and a smile.
launao, Silverskin, LordHero

Dear participants of the vote!
In the nomination where is only one player you can offer your own variant and write nicname of another player and vote for him.
on: 17 Jan 2017 [17:19]
Dear participants of the vote!
In the nomination where is only one player you can offer your own variant and write nicname of another player and vote for him.
on: 17 Jan 2017 [17:44]
I have a few questions? How can one vote? And who created these members for nomination?
on: 18 Jan 2017 [08:28]
Garfunkel, who cares???(:s3:)
This eleccion is the most, the most, the most ridiculous activity of 2016/17... no doubt about it(:s27:)
If I see the list of nominations, I am really happy that noone knows how to vote for them(:s8:)
This way all seriously good grail players don´t need to participate in such a fools charade.We will wait for the results of the vote, and will have another opportunity for bitter laughs.(:s12:) That is pretty much than enough of pain(:s20:)
on: 18 Jan 2017 [08:48]
I understand that you don´t know the persons/players that are activly playing on grail. But when you are preparing a list of nominated, it would have been better, if you would not give too much confiance into the advices of single players.... the objectivity of certain persons is not always granted.
Now you are the responsible for such a ridiculous list of nominations...
and my advise is, that if this eleccion will go on how it started, than please NEVER publish the results of the vote.(:s24:)
I don´t believe that the real good players on grail would like to see that their contributions to the success of the game will be used to organize such a autonominate-autovote rubbish like this.
best regards
Topic is closed!