Nick name: SuperEmperorDavi
Server for prize: Gold Rush
"The fight for gold"
Hey everyone, you might remember me as the dirty helper of Matyxa
. Well, if someone would ask me if battle was fun to me, my answer would be: "not really". Me and Matyxa decided to play Battle to win, and to win both in 2 different tops(so yeah it was so freaking hard for us to play), me- most achievements points, and he in gold miner. Actually winning in most achievements points was really filthy since the points were just so bugged, but I could of get second place and it is pretty ok, even though i wanted more(
). But actually with matyxa's top wasn't that simple. It was very very hard and exhausting for me,him and our 3rd friend BIAmans to fight for his victory. Especially that we had so many enemies there from our battle servers was a condition that really made our job harder... Plus to all that the spawning of the mines was so terrible for us, so I even didn't sleep some nights to help Matyxa to win.
I will just try to tell you some of the fights we had for certain gold mines. First of all our 2 biggest opponents in mines were sibiriak888 and alex_1662, the first one was starting to get close to Matyxa's mined gold when he was about to 15k, and we(mainly me and BIAmans) had to stop him somehow, we thought this will be kind of hard, but not really after the first time I killed him under 0 I didn't really notice him as an opponent anymore. I had a pretty strong army in Battle(because i know how to make decent armies, even though i was pretty low in mercenary points) so when i met him with his full army, he standed no chance, but it was easy for him to run, but he made a mistake, his agression either his settings were messed up and while running and trying to walk on woods he attacked me, and it gave me extra time to kill him, but the fight wasn't that clever for me too, i remember how i was supposed to split my armies in 3 just to catch all his armies(because he also splitted after that his armies), it was just so amazing and the adrenaline i catched in that fight was in pretty decent amounts. Our second opponent- alex_1662 was a more hard player to deal, he also made alliance with order [kor], who i will mention lately in my tellings, just not to let Matyxa win, but even though, that loser didn't get the first prize. I believe i killed him under 0 just once, and it was a really easy fight even though he was full on first line bonus units, but i have none. Don't really remember more interesting fights, the rest was just players with one big army who didn't really invest much time in battle, but were killing Matyxa's mini caps, or it were order KOR who always were coming in 3.
Now some of my own fights/description with/of different players- first of all i want to talk about order KOR- ltxs, verisa and rajkee. They all were stronger than me(because they had more mercenary points and better heroes
), but this battle I just wanted to play tryharding for pure bonuses, so obviously they all were able to kill me, even though i can say that verisa was the weakest of them all, and ltxs the strongest of them all.. Also razjkee was strong but his army formats weren't as good as ltxs' ones. But in genereally razjkee and ltxs are 2 big shi* talkers, so i dont want to interract somehow with them, even though sometimes i was supposed to fight them on battle.
Order BRE- an order made of 2 very active, decent fighters and men-tafgai and Sukofrukt(to whom i really want to apologize for 2v1 or 3v1 or 3v2 ing them
) and also Kittniz- i dont really meet this player nowhere on battle. Now i remember very well some fights with them: one of the fights was against SukoFrukt at the beginning of battle when we were shooting each other
, it was kinda fun to begin the battle; after that i remember how i was fighting sukofrukt in a 1v1 in a gold mine and my ordermates came there without an invitation
. Also i remember how we 3v2'ed them on purpose, and after that Sukofrukt catched my armies in a city alone and was just about to kill them under 0 but i could of run.
Also want to mention BAD and congratulate them
(their win was a deserved one I think)!
I didn't have fights in main city, so yeah... cant tell more, but tried to show you the battle from mine optimist point of view, don't really want to tell you the pesimist side of it and all the headaches i got due to it
Also want to mention orders: PIN, REC, (almatinets's order
) for being in an alliance with the order of the 2 shi*talkers.