on: 31 Dec 2015 [01:01]
updated: 31 Dec 2015 [01:06]
Dear Knights and ladies!

Soon will be holidays that we all are impatiently waiting - the New Year
This is a magical time when all our wishes and dreams become true.
And of course, it would be great to get from Santa Claus welcomed gift. But you need to tell about your wishes to Santa Claus to receive help from him.
The most simple and reliable - this is to write a letter to Santa Claus to their wishes. And then for sure - your wish will be granted!
So I suggest you write a letter to Santa Claus in the contest, which will be held from December 31, 2015 till January 6, 2016.

To participate in the competition is enough to write a letter in this topic of the forum.
The letter can be done in the form of prose, poetry, graphics card or the original video with link to youtube.

Letters must be written from the heart and a good mood. And, of course they must be written by yourself. It is not allowed to write off from the Internet. Photos and drawings are welcome.

Evaluation criteria: Originality, creativity and sense of humor.

Stages of the competition:
1. Start point of receiving letters is 31 of Decenber 2015 (inclusive)
2. The deadline is 6-th of January 2016 (inclusive)
3. Summary 07/01/2016
4. Announcement of the winners - January 8, 2016. Presentation of prizes within 7 days.

The most original letter to Santa Claus, I will personally choose. And Snow Maiden will help me.
The most original letter that we will choose will receive a prize - 1 point for mercenary camp, 1000 game gold, 1000 diamonds and hero level 45 with an excellent set of artifacts.

And nice gifts are expecting 2 autors of letters that Snow Maiden will like the most.
500 diamonds and hero level 40 with an excellent set of artifacts.

Incentive prize to all participants - 100 gold, and the hero of the game 24 levels with a set of artifacts.

And that is not all! Santa Claus parties prepared a special prize ...

New contest "Letter to Santa Claus" gives you an opportunity to ask Santa Claus execution cherished dreams.
on: 31 Dec 2015 [14:49]
dear Santa,
in all great wars we hope for peace at christmas
here on this game we hope the peace will pass
i also hope red velvets in lappland explore
or huge rubies, pearls and amathyst or more
just make these wishes come true for me
and i will be pleased sitting under the christmas tree
and all the best
on: 02 Jan 2016 [23:59]
updated: 03 Jan 2016 [00:00]
Dear Santa Claus(:s1:)
When winter comes, the Devil(:s12:) desappears, let people enjoy, sing Christmas carols, forget about wars of problems, because that is our beautiful planet earth. Let disappear care, pain and hunger, so that everyone had always fed belly, and the cold was too much, only love in the world when God's children are born. It's a beautiful time, dear Santa, let everyone think of others, not only about myself, because relationships are so important. Let us hurry to love people, they deseappear so quickly ... Best regards(:s18:):) ZUBITO_FIGHTER
on: 04 Jan 2016 [11:32]
Dear Santa,
In this cold weather when the snow is snowing and the temperature falls just down and down am I writing a letter for you, hoping that you will receive this (:s17:)
I wanted though you, to wish for all successful and happy new year! In order to succeed in everything that's been planned (:s23:) (:s23:) (:s23:)

1100AD - a happy and long life (:s22:)
on: 06 Jan 2016 [01:03]
updated: 06 Jan 2016 [01:05]
Dear Santa, thank you for all the gifts that I already received. But I love gifts and will be glad to receive more. As all the girls I like rare jewels and gems. And also I want to receive red velvet and to make new dress. And I want to decorate my hairstyle with new crown.
Dear Santa, I promise to be a good and polite girl to help people to defend those who is weaker.
I wish to all good health a lot of luck in life and in the world of 1100ad.
on: 06 Jan 2016 [01:14]
And I wish you all to smile more and often with humor to treat everything that happens to you
on: 06 Jan 2016 [09:12]
Forgot about server (:s7:)
KORYO (:s11:)
on: 06 Jan 2016 [18:56]
updated: 06 Jan 2016 [18:58]
Dear Santa,
first of all i would like to thank you for all the presents I have recieved till now (:s11:). But I think this year I was good enough to get more presents (:s7:).I would like a new shield for my heroes, and maybe this time instead of a replica of tizona, i can get the real tizona (:s7:). Also i would need a lot, a lot of big kegs full of beer(:s21:) because my brave heroes can be found just in 2 places: on the battle field, or in the tavern. I want some books for my library too! Well, it looks like I have reached the breaking point, and of course i would like to ask from you a lot, lot, lot of (:gold:) (:s24:). Maybe you have "accepted" my wishes, maybe you have decided that i wasn't good enough for all from them this year (:s14:), BUT I have one more wish: To transfer all the wars from the real world into my favorite game:1100ad, so there won't be poored so much blood around the world, but instead we, the knights of the 1100ad will have an amazing time fighting, fighting and fighting all the day around! To you all the rest, who of course weren't that good as me this year(:s17:), hehe, just kidding (:s10:), I wish you a lot of happinness, love, money and the most important to be healthy!
~SuperEmperorDavi (Server: Gold Rush)
on: 09 Jan 2016 [11:34]
I forgot abaut sever(:s9:)Koryo
on: 13 Jan 2016 [15:09]
updated: 15 Jan 2016 [10:28]
Thanks to all players for nice, sincere and remarkable congratulations!!
The most original letter to Santa Claus: PurpleBird (:s11:)(:s22:)
Letters which Snow Maiden will like the most: Dowakaen, nambers, backans88 (:s38:)

The letters in the form of poetry: alekskazantip, KPIKC, Shamahyddin, Shamahyddin, Nursultan_Nursultan, Jurij44, 380985059205, Paleny, bubulis135, gatis1200 (:s30:)(:rob:)

Incentive prizes: gertjan, ZUBITO_FIGHTER, Veranda, SuperEmperorDavi, NEOTRANAS, frakiez, AlexSmerty, kvv03, PoMen, kalambur, THEGOOOD, hoaman811, gmax, rog2, lakosta, teos345, darkgeorg, Zed_LV, Pibik, Matyxa, phoontic, condor2010, mea, CrusaderLord, pro100_yuron, sibiryak888, fanis1971

Following participants must write their servers:
on: 25 Jan 2016 [22:16]
updated: 27 Jan 2016 [11:08]
Hello:) I havent't got prizes. Why?

Prize to you have given out(:s22:)