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on: 01 Oct 2015 [22:10]
updated: 11 Oct 2023 [04:25]
Dear Knights and Lady!
We invite you to take part in the daily contests for the time “Researcher of temporary locations” in the World 1100AD

1. Every day, on game servers, contests "RESEARCH OF TEMPORARY LOCATIONS" are held

2. The competition is held no more than 4 (Four) times a day:

Rules for submitting the report for the 1,2,3,4 contests
First contest - from 00:00 to 03:00 server time
Second contest - from 6-00 to 9-00 server time
Third contest - from 12-00 to 15-00 server time
Fourth contest - from 18-00 to 21-00 server time

To go to the contest page, click on the pencil drawing.

- In the “Report: Отчет:” window, you can send only one report:
1. Indicate your exact game nickname.
2. Copy only one link of the battle log.
3. Click on the "Send" button.

On the "Reports" tab, you can see all the logs of the current contest that players send.

On the "Winners" tab, you can see the Winners in the contest.

On the "ALL_Reports" tab, you can see all reports for the current contest week.

An alternative way to send a report is:
- Also, you can send your report if you click the link below:
Create a report "Research of Temporary Locations"
- You can see the results of the contests in the Winners' Table.
Statistics of the competition "Researcher of temporary locations"

In the competition we accept logs of research only from temporary locations!
The location of "Secret Treasures" is not a location for the competition, therefore logos are not accepted from it!

- Carefully lpost the logs (the link to the log should be complete). Make sure your log is open.
- The time to enter the location, its research and the time of sending the report (log with the research) must be in the interval of the specified time (server time)
- In each competition, you can send only one report.

3. Each contestant can receive a prize only once a day!
- Winners of the first competition can not become winners of the 2,3 and 4 competition;
- winners of the first and second competition can not become the winners of the 3 and 4 competition.
- winners of the first, second and third competitions can not become the winners of the fourth competition.

4. If a contestant refuses to perform or deliberately violates the terms of the Contest, in such a case the player will be disqualified for the time determined by the game administration.

5. Definition of winners:
- The winners of the contest are - The first 10 (ten) players who are the first to research the temporary location.(From 04.20.2020)
- Aragon server, The winners of the contest are - The first 5 (five) players who are the first to research the temporary location.
- In the log is checked and fixed End time of research.

Attention! There are breaks in the competitions. About this contest’s leaders or helpers will announce in chat rooms of servers.

Prizes. (:s22:)
Each winner of the competition receives a prize (the prize kit may vary):
gold, diamonds + resources + set of artifacts + tokens + unique units
Prizes for winners of competitions are issued within 3 business days.

Attention! Messages that are not related to the theme of contests will be considered a flood and removed!
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on: 02 Oct 2015 [01:50]
Quote knightbulletin:
- In the morning: till 12-00 server time
- Evening: after 16:00 server time

How is this even fair???

Anybody who is in the west can never take part in the morning competition. Unless its actually held at 12 noon. And i mean west of me.
One group are effectively excluded form one event and others can take part in 2.

Its wrong.
Up to 12 means 5am GMT is ok... Any time before 9 excludes half the server. But when we asked if we could hold an equally biased competition on a global clock, after 16:00 is what we get(suiting the russians).... Up until this week, the competition holder could not see the posted reports of some players. All of which were not russian speakers, surprise, surprise.

The whole thing reaks of jobs for the boys, all over again. Looking after your own and to hell with the rest.

And yet somehow you expect people to invest in this game. When the game arms one side against. No matter how cloaked or accidental this is what, is effectively happening.

Its not right and its not a level playing field.
on: 03 Oct 2015 [03:38]
(:s1:) devs no needed money i think , he support with contest only 1 side. Then oki (:s3:) Now time stop spending money to game. Maybe with time he start understood what he do with game (:s25:) Hope without us money he be support more and more this 1 side (:s8:) Good luck and i hope most do like i stopping investing to game. No more money to game (:s10:)
on: 03 Oct 2015 [12:29]
Please speak on the merits
on: 03 Oct 2015 [19:50]
sorry i wrong wrote (:s1:) i should say for this contest time what do devs is only support for 1 side (:s1:) and after this i should wrote if he not .... then only this way devs can do game fair like say cucullan other way if we be pay all time he be think all is good and we liked this contest time
on: 03 Oct 2015 [20:15]
I will tell you my opinion as a player, I have many years in the game, and always hear the same thing they always do not care who the enemy

on: 13 Oct 2015 [15:58]
Quote knightbulletin:
2. The contest is held not more than three (3) times in a day
- In the morning: from 7:00 till 12:00 (server time)
- Evening: from 16:00 till 20:00 (server time)
- Night: from 22:00 till 03:00 (server time)

Thank you guys

I am very happy that all global regions have a fair chance with these times.
on: 21 Apr 2016 [01:20]
5. Leading the competition announces the start of the contest 10-20 minutes before it starts, in "Global" and "Throne Room" chats! now question why You give permission to break rules by Yours people knightbulletin ? http://clip2net.com/s/3xbpHwG here clear all see like Yours people broke rules !! and this is 2nd time today i not saying before how many times Yours people broke. Whats is so hard to understood ? If Yours people cant understood then this people is not able do contest. This person should never more do contest , is lot tickets about this person and what You do ? You cover all and do joke from us players
on: 21 Apr 2016 [02:25]
и че ты опять разнылся нытик...??? по твоему скрину ничего не понятно...если ты имеешь в виду это:
1. [21:55] _Valkyrie_ [СПА]: ^ Через 10 - 20 минут здесь будет проводиться конкурс: ""Исследователь локаций""!
2. [21:57] _Valkyrie_ [СПА]: [attack] Конкурс! Первые 5 игроков, которые первыми исследуют временную локацию и предоставят лог в чате - Получат призы: 100 алмазов + 7 писем путешественника + ресурсы + комплект артефактов + токены ускорения компании + уникальных юнитов.
ты истеришь из за того что прошло всего 2 минуты...но до тебя не дошло посмотреть во сколько начинаеться конкурс...[21:58] _Valkyrie_ [СПА]: ^Enter location not faster then 22-10! ^ Ieeja lokacija ne atrak, ka 22-10! ^ Bход в локацию не ранее, чем 22-10!
в 22:10 конкурс начинаеться...поэтому все требования соблюдены...а ты как всегда тупишь и истеришь на пустом месте...
on: 21 Apr 2016 [13:05]
Apec22 i no ask You only knightbulletin and if You blind and not see broke rules this is Yours problem. and write english here is english language
on: 22 Apr 2016 [03:03]
updated: 22 Apr 2016 [03:04]
(:s8:) look like You piss on us players knightbulletin with no answer and broke rules do every day Yours people. (:s25:) life is like circle hope in Yours life no 1 do like You (:s1:) or ...(:s1:) for that You this do(:s1:)
on: 28 Nov 2016 [22:30]
updated: 29 Nov 2016 [01:36]
1st contest - Night: from 23:00 till 02:00 (server time)
In the contest take part next locations: Trade Wrecked Wagon, Dense Forest, Trade Fair, War camp, Misty Mines, Burned Village, Creek of the lost ship, Gisors Castle, Impassable Bog, Iroquois War Camp, Laponia, Diamond mine, Gold Mine
- Entrance time to location must be not earlier than 23.00 and exploring time not later than 02.00 (server time)
- You can send only 1 report: log confirming research result of above mentioned locations.
- If in your log before your entrance were another players please together with log place number of the log page with your entrance time
- Be attentively posting your logs (link to the log should be complete). Be aware that your log posted to the throne hall chat and post/mail can be opened.
- Results of night contest will be posted in the throne hall chat in the morning before morning contest.
Reports has to be posted in throne hall chat (as usually) and to the game post/mail of contest account War_Lord_AD before 02.30 (server time)

2nd contest - In the morning: from 8:00 till 12:00 (server time)
on: 12 Dec 2016 [13:06]
Quote knightbulletin:
1st contest - Night: from 23:00 till 02:00 (server time)
In the contest take part next locations: Trade Wrecked Wagon, Dense Forest, Trade Fair, War camp, Misty Mines, Burned Village, Creek of the lost ship, Gisors Castle, Impassable Bog, Iroquois War Camp, Laponia, Diamond mine, Gold Mine
- Entrance time to location must be not earlier than 23.00 and exploring time not later than 02.00 (server time)
- You can send only 1 report: log confirming research result of above mentioned locations.
- If in your log before your entrance were another players please together with log place number of the log page with your entrance time
- Be attentively posting your logs (link to the log should be complete). Be aware that your log posted to the throne hall chat and post/mail can be opened.
- Results of night contest will be posted in the throne hall chat in the morning before morning contest.
Reports has to be posted in throne hall chat (as usually) and to the game post/mail of contest account War_Lord_AD before 02.30 (server time)

IN aragon we need more time.... 3 hours is not long enough. 4 hours can be tight for 5 results. The clock can reset many times.
on: 05 Mar 2017 [17:30]
updated: 05 Mar 2017 [17:31]
Hello, dear knightbulletin tell me why Yours moderator _Valkyrie_ not see my reports from night contest ?? Whats going on in Yours game and with Yours moderators ?? Tell me why i should play , invest my money to Yours game when YOURS MODERATOR NOT SEE MY LOGS ?? Why i must lose my time when this shit happen ?? Answer and do clear with this please. If needed i buy glasses for Yours MODERATOR and send (:s8:)
on: 03 Apr 2017 [13:37]
From 03/04/2017 to 29/10/2017

1st contest - Night: from 22:00 till 01:00 (server time)
2nd contest - In the morning: from 7:00 till 11:00 (server time)
3rd contest - Evening: from 15:00 till 19:00 (server time)
on: 12 May 2017 [17:58]
Competition: Exploring of temproray locations

Start: 12.05.2017.
3rd contest - Evening: from 15:00 till 19:00 (server time)
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