on: 26 Aug 2015 [14:52]
updated: 26 Aug 2015 [17:02]
The autumn is coming and with it does the Knowledge Day, the upmost of the holidays.
We all went to school; somebody is a student and somebody is teaching already now.
The 1100AD Team congratulate everyone on the occasion of the autumn’s first holiday – the Knowledge Day!
You will be into hot offers, campaigns and discounts for a fortnight on end!

The festive Oak-Tree will appear in all the towns. It will bring its owner a gift every 12 hours; so, do not forget to collect your gifts!
The tree can also have a mini-game in which you can win rare prizes.
Further, the tree will have the exchange in which you will be able to exchange the rare coins for various useful things.

The special building called the "Knowledge House" will appear in every town and every hut.
It can be explored to find 1 to 3 Ancient Coins.
The TOP 10 players will get valuable prizes while the first-place winner will also be given 1 city control point!
Also, the TOP 3 players will get 1 point to any of the main order skills – at your choice!

The Contest Rules
1. The player can only become the TOP-1 WINNER ONCE and get the main prize on the one and the same server during the current calendar year. This means that the players who were Number 1 in the Antique Coin Collection Contest will not be able to get the main prize even if they win the 1st place in this contest again.
2. If several players collect the equal number of coins and are the TOP 1 by the end of the contest, they will be downgraded to the 2nd place and nobody will be getting the main prize.
3. Any one Order can only get 1 prize. The order skill for this contest may also be picked from among the additional ones but the ultimate level of any order skill (except the vassalage and the art storage ones) may not exceed 30.
4. The Abodes of Knowledge will disappear on 9 September.

- 30% off the cost of building a fort and walls in the valley;
- 30% off the cost of buying vassalage and merc hut points;
- 40% off the cost of manipulating with underpasses;
- 40% off the cost of building a new town;
- 30% off the cost of building and upgrading merc huts;
- down to 70% off the prices of the goods in the shop.

NB! Exchange of ancient coins will be available at 10.09 for 2 weeks