Just a few days to go until Easter, the wonderful spring holiday that brings hope, forgiveness, goodness and most important - love.
Easter is a major holiday and throughout the course of time it still hasn't lost its purpose and is widely and joyfully celebrated by people all around the world.
Team 1100AD sincerely congratulates you with the upcoming Easter and wishes you and your beloved ones peace, love and happiness now and forever.
And to celebrate this we've prepared for you special events, games and of course great discounts –
all this available for the 2 whole weeks, from 1st to 15th of April!
Be prepared! Special holiday Palm Tree and Easter Egg Battle will be ready for you, so gather the ammunition and don't forget to look under the Palm Tree each day in order to receive special Easter holiday gift! You can challenge the best player of your server and participate in charity event, since 20% of all the funds gathered via mini-game we will donate to one or two of the children's home in Riga. Let’s not stand aside and help the ones in need.
The rules are quite simple:
You need to align in a row or a column 3, 4 or 5 elements of the same kind. You will receive points, depending on how many elements you’ve aligned. Accumulate points and receive great prizes! More games mean better prizes. Once in 12 hours a player gets 10 free turns. Everyone can have a go!
In addition to that we are also making a contest for highest point score in mini-game! Top 10 players with most points will receive following prizes:
- 1st place: +5000 Hungarian Reavers, +10000 Duke`s guard, +3 mercenary location control points, big artifact set, 500 diamonds and +1 Order skill of player's choice.
- 2nd place: +3000 Hungarian Reavers, +5000 Duke`s guard, +2 mercenary location control points, medium artifact set, 300 diamonds and +1 Order skill of player's choice.
- 3rd place: +1000 Hungarian Reavers +1000 Duke`s guard, +1 mercenary location control point, small artifact set, 100 diamonds and +1 Order skill of player's choice.
- 4th -5th places: 5th level Artifact Storage, three 3rd level Strongboxes, artifact set, 50 diamonds, free 30th level free holiday heroine.
- 6th-10th places: 5th level Strongbox + artifact set, 25 diamonds, free 30th level free holiday heroine.
Attention: Order can get only one such prize.
Warning: In case players have same points after the game, winners will be decided by the system, i.e. two players cannot share one place.
From a far away land in the search for new home and a great ruler we are visited by unique soldiers. Hungarian Reavers – merciless mercenaries that pledge loyalty to their commander and are ready to crush any enemies they encounter.
Mercenaries don’t require population or mercenary points, but they have a limit of 20 000 troops for one player.
A nice turn of events took place in Eurasia! Mongolian and Teutonic nations now have unique troops. Teutonic Order now can boast such troops, as Teutonic Halberdier and Mounted Crossbowman.

And Mongolian Empire acquired Heavy Elite Cavalry and Elite Mongolian Archer.

Troops are purchased in castle and have a limit, which depends on the number and types of player’s cities.
All ports now have an option to build the new unique building Alexandrian Lighthouse. It can be built using special drawings that can be found on an auction, in shop or won in mini game. The building has only 5 levels and brings pleasant bonuses to its owner: mercenary points, population, naval points and reputation.

Attention: number of unique buildings is increased to two for one player. This means that everyone can now build himself 1 additional set of unique buildings.
Rich merchants brought unseen artifacts that are able to empower any hero. These rare objects grant hero additional levels for their skills, thus making them much stronger! Don’t miss this opportunity, since almost all hero skills can be improved up to 6 level! In order to empower your heroes, you will need to get your hands on special artifacts that can be found in mini game, in shop, lottery or win in contests!

Attention: when resetting hero skills, additional skills are removed and cannot be restored. Please note that artifacts are very rare and their amount in game is strictly limited.
1. Palm tree has an option to exchange quest coins for various goods as well as make an artifact with different ingredients and eggs! You can find eggs in all quest locations – by battling the defenders, remaining ingredients can be found on an auctions, with your friends or in your enemies’ storehouses.
2. Drop of artifacts in quest location is increased.
3. During holiday event in game shop you will find unique soldiers with 50% discount, artifact sets and much more. There are also following discounts:
- 30% from building a fort;
- 30% from building walls and lakes in the valley;
- 30% from buying vassal points and mercenary camp control points;
- 70% from buying Premium and Baron subscription;
- 70% from Order skill “Vassalage”;
- 70% from Order skill “Artifact Storage”
- Artifact "Ancient Viking Standard" now works on server that doesn’t have vassals and now will grant mercenary control point;
- Artifact "Mercenaries Banner" now works on servers with vassals and now will grant vassal point;
- Chat has new smiles [fool], [kill], [knight], [death], [king];
- Servers Koryo and Eldorado have new look of building Docks.