Valiant Warriors!
We hasten to announce the soon – the very soon – new Knights’ Battle: the capture of the Citadel that will begin on the 1100AD lands on 4 February! Sharpen your swords, polish your armour and hurry up to join the contest and fight any player on equal conditions! Everything depends on you alone –and on your strategic skills!
The battle will go on a stand-alone new server that will be accessible to all the players in their server lists on 4 February. Any interested player can take part in the battle.
Attention: the server will become inaccessible once the battle is over. The server/battle end date is 9 February 2015. The players will be able to see the timer ticking the remaining time off in the game.
The Rules:
The game mode: each one for himself/herself.
The battle time: from 09:00 (server time) on 4 February to 12:00 (server time) on 9 February.
The server is only available for 5 days, in which time you have to build towns and merc huts, create and recruit the strongest army you can get and capture the main building – the Citadel!
For a player to take part in the battle he/she has to enter the server and pay the homage in the amount of 2,000 gold coins; otherwise, the player’s access to the server will be closed in a while. The home can be paid in one instalment or in several ones or by means of a promo code. What matters is that the player must have 2,000 gold coins in his game profile account by the end of the day.
Attention: all the money transactions pertaining to the homage payable on the new server absolutely must be made only on the new server.
Once the homage has been paid, the player will have a kingdom event bringing him/her 10,000,000 gold coins and 1,000,000 diamonds.
The winner will be the player who captures the Citadel first; the Citadel, the main building of the whole server, will appear 24 hours ahead of the battle’s end.
If the Citadel happens to be not captured yet by the time the battle is due to be over, the player who will have the biggest number of the Leprechaun coins will be announced the winner. The leprechaun coin is the artefact that can be harvested in the adventure huts.
The Administration reserves the right to assign additional prizes and award other players at its sole discretion. The winner’s award will go the game account that has taken part in the battle; the player can specify the server on which he/she wants to get the award. It is prohibited to give the award to another game account.
All conflicts arising during the game will be resolved by the Administration at its sole discretion.
The Winner’s Award:
The winner gets the award at the combat server of his/her choice. Please, be careful how you pick the game account that will take part in the Knights’ Battle. The award can only be given to that game account that you have used in the battle on the dedicated server.
1. The monetary award starting at 20,000 game gold coins.
2. The diamond award starting at 1,000 game diamonds.
3. The mega set of various artefacts including the rare and unique ones.
4. The unique building that one can use the special elite unit that will not require mercenary or population points. The winner will keep this building forever and it will be available until the next battle begins. The winner of the last battle – Almatinets – will keep his building until the next battle of the same kind that he won begins.
Attention: once the battle is over, all the players will need to specify their main combat servers in the profile settings; otherwise, no award will be considered for the player(s) who have failed to do so.
The Game Limitations and Modifications:
Alliances and pacts are excluded from the diplomacy; that is to say, each player only plays for himself/herself;
An order can only consist of one player – the Order Master, that is;
The speeding is increased for building mark towers, forts and contours, for capturing towns and camps, for raids and experience gain by heroes on killing mobs or rivalling players;
The number of mercenary camp points is limited to 80.
The number of city control points is limited to 15.
Some units are under limitations; for instance, the Normandy spearmen. The information about how many units of each type can be recruited will be given in each unit’s description.
The number of heroes per player is limited and will depend on the number of the player’s city control points.
The server will have the improved tactics whereby the tactical landscape will influence some parameters of the units; the relevant information will be shown in each unit’s description.
Please, be warned that the launch of the Knights’ Battle may be delayed somewhat owing to technical reasons. If this happens, everyone eager to join the battle is kindly requested to have some patience and understanding.