Sounds good.... But maybe a little more time to ask the many questions people have.
This is a new event, and it seems a little too good to be true.
How exactly does it work???
How does it score?
will it cost gold to build all these locations walls forts etc etc as per normal?
are you allowed kill others and steal/destroy what they built?
Do we all start from zero? or with what we have already?
will you disqualify ALL PARTICIPANTS if you find one order working as a team to kill off its rivals in a way that helps their chosen account to win as it is SUPPOSED to be every man for himself?
will support not interfere in the competition in any way shape or form, aside from imposing the rules evenly to all?
Will you allow "me" (for example), to order all my friends allies vassals and affiliates to capture everything is sight. Just so i can capture it all at a later date so that i own more than others thus winning and in the process blocking off my in normal play enemies from gaining the rewards?
I could go on and on with such questions....
With such big rewards and it lasting so long, i expect interest to be high. So i IMPLORE support to go into every little aspect of this challenge and make sure that the rules are fair, open and transparent to all so that it is above reproach.
I wish you well with this endeavor. But i have some concerns.
For example, when i log on, on morning 1 of an event and see the leader already on 5000 wins ahead before anybody has found the eggs to throw... Thus killing the event before it even starts.
That said...
I will pledge my support to it and ask all order members, allies and affiliates to take part as they wish.
However i do so with the assumption that support will ensure that the competition stays true to its origins and is in fact "every player for themselves", "all starting on an equal footing" and that the rules will be STRICTLY and FAIRLY adhered to.