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![]() Summer is the time of vacations. Life on all the servers fades ... Lets shake it! Every day there will appear the task and given time to execute it. Executed task provides points. There are 21 tasks in total and after finish of the task there will be score The most active participants (top 10 according the score) will receive valuable prises. The main condition - it is a personal rank player, i.e. player performs the task by himself and only he gets points. You can join the competition at any stage (missed tasks are not restored). There is no any limit in the use of armies and heroes. And now about details 1. Players perform quests individually if the submitted reports will detect another player with allied diplomacy relations - the task is not to be counted. 2. Players can try their luck on different servers under one the same nickname, but in this case points are not summed and accounted separately for each server Example. A player Bob from Bohemia server and player Bob from Albion server will earn points if they are different players, and each of him will create more competition 3. In case of technical error, bug and other things, when you cannot submit a log – it will be considered as a risk of the participant and the organizers does not bear responsibility – need to fear. 4. Regards the logs. One log per one task, i.e. if you posted a log for the task number 1, the same log, even if it fits in time cannot be accepted for the task number 2. 5. Risk of losses of units and armies assigned exclusively to participants. You take the risk and we will award you a prize PRIZES: later … ======= results of completed jobs can look HERE reports on assignments available post HERE ======= Competition starts on August 1 at 12.00 server time |
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on: 17 Aug 2014 [17:05]
![]() Quest "30 silver pieces" - 24 hours from the moment of publication the task To introduce the log with received artfeact “Bag of Silver”. No matter where it was got – in quest location, or during capturing of mercenary camp - 1 point To have a task accepted need to provide: 1. Log with received artefact “Bag of Silver” Technical Support Service doesn`t consider the claims submitted in connection with the competition "Holidays in 1100ad", doesn`t answer questions about the organization of competition, and doesn`t affect the work of judges (decisions about awarding of points for tasks) |
on: 18 Aug 2014 [17:12]
updated: 18 Aug 2014 [18:46]
![]() Quest "Beware the wrath of Caesar!" - 48 hours from the moment of publication the task To find once dropped by a great King the Ring (find Ring of King by exploring quest locations or collect all artefacts for crafting Ring of King) + 3 points To have a task accepted need to provide: 1. log with received Ring of King or logs with received artefacts for crafting it Artefacts needed for crafting Ring of King: 1 Iron Ingot 1 Gold Ingot 1 High-Quality Wood Charcoal 1 Hudge Sapphire ARTIFACTS are to be gathered exclusively in quest locations of any type. Technical Support Service doesn`t consider the claims submitted in connection with the competition "Holidays in 1100ad", doesn`t answer questions about the organization of competition, and doesn`t affect the work of judges (decisions about awarding of points for tasks) |
on: 19 Aug 2014 [17:01]
updated: 19 Aug 2014 [19:41]
![]() Quest "Down Barriers" 36 hours from the moment of publication of task To capture Fort of the real live non-grey player with not less than 38th level - 3 points or To remove wall / water in the valley (max. 4) - max. 2 points (for each one - 0,5 points). or To make 5 terrain changes: cut trees/clear rocks in the valley - 1 point To have a task accepted need to provide: 1. if chose demolition of the fort: a) screen of fight report b) screen of the conquest of the city c) screen of the destruction the fort by fire g) screen of the fort in the valley before capture, in order to see level of fort owner. 2. if you chose removing walls/lakes or making terrain changes: a) screen from terrain changes in the valley with server time in the screen ![]() IMPORTANT! All activities must be completed during the given time: fort completely destroyed, walls/lakes destroyed, terrain changes completed. REQUIREMENTS for demolition of the fort: 1. Holder of the fort must be player with rating not lower than 38 level. 2. Both players (Holder of the fort and the Attacker) must have equal status: Knight-Knight, Vassal-Vassal. Order of the Knight (Holder of the fort) must have rating not lower than 100 evolution points. 3. Vassal can attack the Knight of the Order, but requirements are the same as for the Knight. Technical Support Service doesn`t consider the claims submitted in connection with the competition "Holidays in 1100ad", doesn`t answer questions about the organization of competition, and doesn`t affect the work of judges (decisions about awarding of points for tasks) |
on: 20 Aug 2014 [16:34]
updated: 20 Aug 2014 [16:35]
![]() Quest "Continuous worries" 48 hours from the moment of publication of task To build in your cities 10 buildings of various types - 1 point Example: wall - build 1st level, gate - completion from 1st to 2nd level, library - completion from 9th to 10th level, tavern - completion from 4th to 5th level, the farm - completion from 2nd to 3rd level, shipyard - completion from 7th to 8th level, barracks - build 1st level, stable - build 1st level, workshop - build 1st level, well. To have a task accepted need to provide: 1. screens of finished building from city reports ![]() Technical Support Service doesn`t consider the claims submitted in connection with the competition "Holidays in 1100ad", doesn`t answer questions about the organization of competition, and doesn`t affect the work of judges (decisions about awarding of points for tasks) |
on: 21 Aug 2014 [16:35]
updated: 21 Aug 2014 [18:58]
![]() Quest "Dangerous Road" - 48 hours from the moment of publication of task To submit reports of visits all the places inhabited by highwaymen and /or thieves (the Iroquois Raider - the setting for the ED) - 0.5 points for each place of inhabit ![]() ![]() ![]() Time for staying in those places is not less than 1 hour and need to kill quest mobs. To have a task accepted need to provide: 1 Log of campaign 2 Screen of fight report 3 In some cases there is accepted to submit screenshot from tactics, where is shown place where quest mobs live and their death from your hand. IMPORTANT! need to show highwaymen and thieves/ Iroquois Raider in the logs Technical Support Service doesn`t consider the claims submitted in connection with the competition "Holidays in 1100ad", doesn`t answer questions about the organization of competition, and doesn`t affect the work of judges (decisions about awarding of points for tasks) |
on: 22 Aug 2014 [16:49]
![]() Quest "High price" 48 hours from the moment of publication of task To rob quested city and receive out artifact from a lock treasury “Crown of Aquitania” - 5 points IMPORTANT: There is only one city for server and there is only one artifact in the treasure To have a task accepted need to provide: 1. Log of battle 2. Screen from global chat that you received this artefact The quest is considered to be done only if you received the artifact ATTENTION! 1. Quest city is noCommander 2. Coordinates of the quest city will be given at 18.30 (server time) today. You will have a time to prepare for this quest. Technical Support Service doesn`t consider the claims submitted in connection with the competition "Holidays in 1100ad", doesn`t answer questions about the organization of competition, and doesn`t affect the work of judges (decisions about awarding of points for tasks) |
on: 22 Aug 2014 [20:56]
on: 22 Aug 2014 [21:17]
on: 22 Aug 2014 [21:30]
aquitaine -597/508(1) eurasia -330/726(1) eldorado -1075/1003(1) grail - 34/77(25) bohemia - 62/70(18) outremer - 593/605(2) skogmark - 649/249 (1) koryo - 613/353(1) livonian - 720/825(1) beta - 998/1243(1) albion - 956/1300(1) aragon - 36/59(14) newworld - 1026/1021(1) goldenhorde - 530/248(1) |
on: 22 Aug 2014 [22:56]
1-st place. 2000 gold, 1 point of possession of the cities, 1 point of possession of locations, hero level 42, set of artifacts, storage of artifacts of max. level.
2-nd place. 1500 gold, 2 points of possession of locations, hero level 40, set of artifacts, storage of artifacts level 10. 3-rd place. 1000 gold, 1 point of possession of locations, hero level 36, set of artifacts, storage of artifacts of level 5. 4-6 places. 500 gold, hero level 30, set of artifacts, storage of artifacts level 1, Strong Box level 5. 7-10 places. 250 золотых, hero level 30, set of artifacts, storage of artifacts level 1, Strong Box level 3. 1-st place set of artifacts Ring of King - 5 pcs Replica of Tizona Cataphract Shield Sea compass - 5 pcs Pomegranate Juice - 5 pcs 2-nd place set of artifacts Ring of King - 3 pcs Replica of Tizona Cataphract Shield Sea compass - 3 pcs Pomegranate Juice - 3 pcs 3-rd place set of artifacts Ring of King - 3 pcs Replica of Tizona Knight Hospitaller Shield Sea compass - 3 pcs Pomegranate Juice - 3 pcs 4-6 places set of artifacts Ring of King - 2 pcs Sword of Fallen Knights Knight Hospitaller Shield Sea compass - 2 pcs Pomegranate Juice - 2 pcs 7-10 places set of artifacts Ring of King - 1 pcs Sword of Fallen Knights Knight Templar Shield Pomegranate Juice - 2 pcs Snow junits: 1-3 places 1000 junits of each Snow junits: 4-6 places 100 junits of each Snow junits: 7-10 places 50 junits of each Lowest passing score is equial to one third of average number of points for all tasks => 37.19/3=12.40 Players gathered less specified a score lose the right for prize-winning places. If several players have the same number of points and take on the competition the first place, they will all receive a prize of equal 2 Place Competition. |
on: 25 Aug 2014 [12:48]
updated: 25 Aug 2014 [13:10]
![]() ![]() Bohemia 1. rog2 - 45,55 2. RuslanKn - 45,05 3. yuzver - 32,55 4. Apec22 - 30 5. vitgrey - 29,05 6. niksanaznc - 25,55 7. Nata1981 - 23,25 8. Grumpydog - 21,05 9. Andru_777 - 17,55 Eurasia 1. Uljapka - 44,05 2. cindarella - 37,55 3. xxIKARxx - 36,75 4. volunjaka - 32,55 5. rosta777 - 29,05 6. Bad_Red_Knight - 20,55 7. Lord_Asia - 19,3 8. sergivan1974 - 14,15 9. Marniti - 13,75 Golden Horde 1. Matyxa - 12,8 Siege of Acre 1. tafgai - 50,05 2. Ilidan0101 - 43,05 3. daigucis1 - 42,55 4. vasia255 - 40,05 5. PERRI - 37,55 6. Panikerr - 37,05 7. Travimakulata - 34,05 8. uri03 - 32,55 9. TiGwEE - 29,65 10. Gomer84 - 26,55 Skogmark 1. ninuta08 - 46,05 2. TIMURWILD - 39,35 3. alex1662 - 38,55 4. leshiyu - 17,5 5. Mahora - 16,6 6. wert7375 - 13,75 7. Cann777 - 13,55 Albion 1. GOTHOB - 25,75 Koryo 1. Go_R_eC - 37,05 2. Kirdesm - 34,35 3. mirina2908 - 33,75 4. murikl - 13,75 Grail 1. garfunkel01 - 43,55 2. driver1973 - 38,05 3. launao - 30,75 4. Adella - 24,65 5. Memedis66 - 23,75 6. Jejuni - 22,15 7. nanodavid - 19,05 8. pfgjl - 17,25 9. 1spielnur - 16,2 10. dmv - 12,55 Beta 1. BaquetaRS - 47,55 2. JVH - 45,35 3. RomantiQ - 44,55 4. Klara2 - 43,55 5. daigucis1 - 43,05 6. Carloss - 38,55 7. fuchso2 - 36,05 8. jsb - 28,55 9. andriotik - 23,6 10. Maddog - 20,05 Aragon 1. bambalite - 54,05 2. frakiez - 41,55 3. almatinets - 26,55 El Dorado 1. Laapsta - 51,05 2. oldru - 35,45 3. tafgai - 31,55 4. oO_KOCHU_Oo - 20,55 5. nemez40 - 17,55 6. 5ApostoL - 12,85 Aquitaine 1. bondsag - 43,55 2. DonDjek - 40,55 3. kostrikov - 36,05 4. CheCheGuevara - 32 5. Kathrina - 29,65 6. Gomer84 - 27,05 7. kasperskis - 25,4 8. backans88 - 19,5 9. Mahora - 18,25 10. sintijap - 15,25 newworld 1. jsb - 42,45 2. Baqueta - 39,05 Livonian 1. Dara - 51,25 2. fyvm4y - 48,05 3. Vitlijs112 - 37,05 4. cmo - 34 5. jendrek123 - 31,8 6. daron98 - 30,55 7. volans - 24,05 8. mafana - 19 9. Sandis210278 - 16,05 10. Maaa - 15 |
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