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![]() Summer is the time of vacations. Life on all the servers fades ... Lets shake it! Every day there will appear the task and given time to execute it. Executed task provides points. There are 21 tasks in total and after finish of the task there will be score The most active participants (top 10 according the score) will receive valuable prises. The main condition - it is a personal rank player, i.e. player performs the task by himself and only he gets points. You can join the competition at any stage (missed tasks are not restored). There is no any limit in the use of armies and heroes. And now about details 1. Players perform quests individually if the submitted reports will detect another player with allied diplomacy relations - the task is not to be counted. 2. Players can try their luck on different servers under one the same nickname, but in this case points are not summed and accounted separately for each server Example. A player Bob from Bohemia server and player Bob from Albion server will earn points if they are different players, and each of him will create more competition 3. In case of technical error, bug and other things, when you cannot submit a log – it will be considered as a risk of the participant and the organizers does not bear responsibility – need to fear. 4. Regards the logs. One log per one task, i.e. if you posted a log for the task number 1, the same log, even if it fits in time cannot be accepted for the task number 2. 5. Risk of losses of units and armies assigned exclusively to participants. You take the risk and we will award you a prize PRIZES: later … ======= results of completed jobs can look HERE reports on assignments available post HERE ======= Competition starts on August 1 at 12.00 server time |
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on: 01 Aug 2014 [14:59]
![]() 1. Quest "Reconnaissance in force" - 24 hours from the moment of publication the task To explore: Abandoned mines – 0,1 points Barbarian Settlement – 0,2 points Monster’s cave – 0.3 points Blackrock Castle – 0.4 points Druid Temple – 0.5 points Abandoned University or Creek of the Lost Ships or Impassable Bog – 0.8 points Fortress of Elite Mercenaries – 1point To have a task accepted need to provide: 1. log (not more than 1 for each kind of explored location) 2. screen about received prize from fight reports. Choise of quest locations is up to player. If there were explored several locations points are summerized. Example: if there were explored Druid Temple and Blackrock Castle, the player will receive 0.9 points ATTENTION! If you explore all three locations (Abandoned University, Creek of the Lost Ships, Impassable Bog), you will receive only 0,8 points. Points for exploring these three locations will not summarize. |
on: 02 Aug 2014 [14:59]
on: 03 Aug 2014 [15:02]
![]() 3. Quest "Heist of the Centuries" - 48 hours from the moment of publication the task To rob storehouse in the city or fort of real live non-grey player not less than 38 level – 1 point To have a task accepted need to provide: 1.log (1 log) 2. screen about campaign (how much was robbed), 3. screen of attacked city in valley with notifications of coordinates and info about the owner. If there was robbed nothing – no points will be awarded. |
on: 04 Aug 2014 [14:56]
on: 05 Aug 2014 [14:57]
![]() 5. Quest "Thirst for knowledge" - 48 hours from the moment of publication the task Goal is to collect artefacts for crafting “University Diploma” – 4 points To receive points need to find all atritacts in proper ammounts to craft University Diploma Remind: Quality Ink x1, Goose Quill x1, High quality paper x2 To have a task accepted need to provide: 1. logs with received artifacts. ARTIFACTS are to be gathered exclusively in quest locations of any type |
on: 06 Aug 2014 [14:22]
![]() 6. Quest "The harmful working conditions" - 48 hours from the moment of publication the task Goal is to receive Resourses WOOD – 1 point Resourses STONE – 2 points Resourses IRON – 3 points All Resourses – 0.25 points To have a task accepted need to provide: 1. logs (1 log for each received resourse type) 2. screens about received prize- resourses from fight reports. Points are to be summerized, i.e. if player received iron, wood and stone in different quest locations he will receive 6 points. Resourses are to get in any type of quest locations. |
on: 07 Aug 2014 [15:00]
updated: 07 Aug 2014 [15:03]
![]() 7. Quest "Rat Race" - 24 hours from the moment of publication the task Goal to destroy rats: 5000-10000 – 0.1 points 10001-50000 – 0.5 points More than 50001 – 1 point Need to intoduce log – only 1. To have a task accepted need to provide: 1. log (only 1) Note. If player killed 100 000 rats he will receive 1 point but not sum of all poits of each step. |
on: 08 Aug 2014 [15:04]
![]() 8. Quest "Church Donation" - 48 hours from the moment of publication the task Goal is to find draft of 1st or 2nd or 3rd level for one of the following rare buildings: Monastery of Gelati or English Cathedral or Venetian Catedral – 3 points To have a task accepted need to provide: 1. log with received artifact (only 1 log). ARTIFACTS are to be gathered exclusively in quest locations of any type |
on: 09 Aug 2014 [14:56]
![]() Quest "Defending the caravans" - 24 hours from the moment of publication the task To make 5 trade missions – 1 point To have a task accepted need to provide: 1. screen from trade reports confirming those operations Note: Trading operation is considered sending resources to another player In order to facilitate the assessment of your submitted reports, please submit a full report in one post with number of task. If the organizator asks you to supplement your report, please re-submit a full report with appendices included, not just the missing part. The number of your posts is very large, it becomes increasingly difficult to find one part in the total mass. This request relates to this and all subsequent tasks. Thank you for your understanding. |
on: 10 Aug 2014 [14:59]
updated: 10 Aug 2014 [15:12]
![]() Quest "Unstable Place" - 48 hours from the moment of publication the task Goal is to exlpore temporary location War Camp – 1 point To have a task accepted need to provide: 1. log and screen from fight reports 2. screen about exploring from fight reports ATTENTION! Quest Nr.11 "A rage for fame" will be published on Tuesday 14.00 (server time) |
on: 12 Aug 2014 [16:59]
![]() Quest "A rage for fame" - 48 hours from the moment of publication the task Goal – to receive artefacts for crafting “Ancient Aquila”: Iron Ingot - 0,5 points Piece of Cloth - 0,5 points Gold Ingot - 1 point Golden Strings - 1 point Standard Shaft - 2 points You can receive maximal 5 points for this task. To have a task accepted need to provide: 1. logs with gathered artefacts for craft (all logs in one post) ARTIFACTS are to be gathered exclusively in quest locations of any type |
on: 13 Aug 2014 [16:53]
![]() Quest "Big problems in a big city" - 24 hours from the moment of publication the task To rob the treasury (artefacts) of the city, fort, forttress with a rating of more than 100k owned of alive player not lower than 38 level and member of the Order - 5 points To have a task accepted need to provide: 1. Log of campaign (not more than 1) 2. Screen of the city in valley with shown rating of the city. 3. Fight report about campaign |
on: 14 Aug 2014 [16:56]
on: 15 Aug 2014 [16:50]
updated: 15 Aug 2014 [19:19]
![]() " The Superhuman Gambit " - 72 hours from the moment of publication of task Destroy the enemy's army in the format “1 to 1” (status of fighters must be equal: order member against order member oder vassal against vassal) less than 30,000 destroyed units - 1 point from 30,001 to 50,000 destroyed units - 1,5 points from 50,001 to 100,000 destroyed units - 2 points 100,001 and more destroyed units - 3 points To have a task accepted need to provide: 1. Log of campaign (only 1 log) 2. screen of fight report Log and screen can be provided by both fighters. IMPORTANT! The task doesn`t require to fully destroy the enemy's army. Rather, it is a duel on your terms. To avoid scams and misunderstandings: Battle/Fight - a meeting of the players with armies, as part of which there are heroes. Both sides can cause damage to each other. Technical Support Service doesn`t consider the claims submitted in connection with the competition "Holidays in 1100ad", doesn`t answer questions about the organization of competition, and doesn`t affect the work of judges (decisions about awarding of points for tasks). |
on: 16 Aug 2014 [16:55]
![]() Quest "Master of the market" - 48 hours from the moment of publication of task To sell 5 different artefacts – 1 point For example: Mercenaries arrows, roasted meat, technical drafts of Byzantine ballista, “heulbolzen” crossbow bolts and leather leggings. To have a task accepted need to provide: 1. Screens from trade operations ![]() Technical Support Service doesn`t consider the claims submitted in connection with the competition "Holidays in 1100ad", doesn`t answer questions about the organization of competition, and doesn`t affect the work of judges (decisions about awarding of points for tasks) |
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