on: 27 Mar 2014 [02:46]
Dear Knights and Ladies!

So contest "Invasion leprechauns - Green Fever" went to the end.

It was not so easy to find a little leprechaun and even more difficult to take from him several green coins. Sometimes struggle turned into a famous statement: - "Your money or die!" But bold and brave knights did not retreat and in hard fight gained some great prizes.

Congratulations to all who achieved best results and occur the top 10.(:s22:)
1. y_m-1447 (:s22:)1 city control point + Excellent set of artifacts

2. alexzorb-1221 - Opportunity to build a mercenary camp (Livonian castle) + the Set of artifacts

3. константинполовинкин-711- Set of artifacts

4. alex1662-308-Set of artifacts

5. владимирмызин-306-Set of artifacts

6. sol777-192-Set of artifacts

7. kukk-172-Set of artifacts

8. shapik25 -126-Set of artifacts

9. morezlata-117-Set of artifacts

10.fantigo-104-Set of artifacts

(:s33:)Attention, do not forget about the main thing!

Until March the 27-th all green coins should be spend. If you will not spend coins in the game store in time, the next opportunity be provided only the next year.
on: 10 Dec 2014 [11:54]
este concurso foi para qual server? (:s33:)