on: 20 Mar 2014 [10:44]
Last Christmas a very special Christmas Lottery was held in 1100AD game. 20% of the lottery revenue was promised to be spend on charity. Hundreds of players have participated in the lottery. And the promise has just been kept. Last week Amber Games has visited two orphanages in Riga.

We've come to orphanages full-handed. We've contacted orphanages beforehand, and they asked children of what presents they would like to receive. And as it usually happens with kids, their wishes were so diverse. We've brought lot's of puzzle games, a basketball ring, a chair, an audio system, toys, jumping-ropes, and a couple of useful things, including a fridge, a vacuum cleaner, tables, etc.







First of all we want to thank our players from the bottom of our hearts for making it possible! And Amber Games team too, for organizing the process and delivering all these presents to children!

Thank you all! For not being indifferent, for caring, for being Humans, with a capital letter "H". Thank you!
on: 30 Aug 2024 [06:41]
Amber Games made a difference with their Christmas Lottery initiative in 1100AD, where 20% of the revenue was dedicated to charity. Their recent visit to two orphanages in Riga exemplifies their commitment to spreading joy among children. They showed how thoughtful giving can be by carefully considering the children's wishes and delivering a wide range of gifts, from puzzle games to practical items like fridges and vacuum cleaners. On a related note, it’s always a good idea to maintain appliances like vacuum cleaners to ensure longevity and efficient use—so if you ever notice a problem like a Dyson pulsing issue, it might be time for a quick maintenance check! Keeping these appliances in top shape ensures they continue to serve well in such valuable charitable endeavors.