on: 28 Feb 2014 [14:08]
In June 1170, the fifteen-year-old Henry was crowned king during his father's lifetime, something originally practized by the French Capetian dynasty and adopted by the English kings Stephen and Henry II. Because he predeceased his father, he is not counted in the numerical succession of kings of England. Nonetheless, he was an anointed king and his royal status was not disputed.

He was known in his own lifetime as "Henry the Young King" to distinguish him from his father. Young Henry fell out with his father in 1173. Contemporary chroniclers allege that it was due to the young man's frustration that his father had given him no realm to rule, and feeling starved of funds. Henry the Young King died in the summer of 1183, during the course of a campaign in the Limousin against his father and his brother Richard. He contracted dysentery at the beginning of June. He died on 11 June, clasping a ring his father had sent instead as a sign of his forgiveness. After his death, his father is said to have exclaimed: "He cost me much, but I wish he had lived to cost me more."

The Topography of Ireland by Gerald of Wales says that Henry and Richard were "both tall in stature, rather above the middle size, and of commanding aspect. In courage and magnanimity they were nearly equal; but in the character of their virtues there was great disparity... [Henry] was admirable for gentleness and liberality...had a commendable suavity... commended for his easy temper... remarkable for his clemency... the vile and undeserving found their refuge in [Henry]... was the shield of bad men... was bent on martial sports... bestowed his favours on foreigners... [Henry's] ambition magnanimously compassed the world." Henry's younger brothers Richard I Lionheart and John Lackland both later became kings of England.