on: 02 Sep 2013 [11:51]
updated: 02 Sep 2013 [16:05]
The ancient Roman poet Horace said: “Carpe diem” – “Live in the moment”. In September the 1100AD team gives every player the possibility to try their luck: we are launching a never before seen event, that will allow our players to receive many unique items and heroes, which were previously on accessible limitedly.
During the whole month special offers will be accessible in the gift and bonus shops. Some of them will be available for a couple of days, some for a couple of hours. These offers will include discounts on popular items, as well as special items that were previously only accessible in the gift shop.
Follow our updates on Facebook and visit the in-game shop often to not miss out on the special offers. Autumn is here and it is time to come back from your vacations and conquer everything that was conquered without you!