on: 15 Aug 2013 [10:44]
I'm writing this post because I want to get as many reactions as possible. I want to know from as many players who visits the forums as possible their opinion about the new map. What do you think about it, I will keep a count of the people who like it, and the people who dislike it.

Feel free to post what you think about it, but please we must respect the forums rules, I don't want this thread to get closed.
on: 15 Aug 2013 [12:57]
the new map (3-D) is not playable for me... loading a very very long time to get 1 single information (like city- or location-owner)....

scrolling nearly not possible, after a few scrolls, the screen is only grey (loading for minutes or nothing happens)

and so on...

its a nice map, but no-co-towns are too dark .... and so on...

please change at least the performance of the map....
on: 15 Aug 2013 [14:29]
hard to tell which cities are occupied vs grey. When you zoom out, the scroll right and left features don't work. owner pendants are too big and hide the graphics under them. Loading the map takes too long. It looks really cool though!
on: 15 Aug 2013 [14:33]
new map no good
on: 15 Aug 2013 [14:34]
updated: 15 Aug 2013 [14:34]
(:s31:)(:s16:)(:s20:) new map . big komplikace
on: 15 Aug 2013 [15:28]
i don´t like it
on: 15 Aug 2013 [15:29]
on: 15 Aug 2013 [15:30]

The old map wasn't a beuty, but was useful. In a moment I could see many importat things. It was simple, but was fast and it's an important thing a game like this.

The new one... First of all, it's very-very slow. Just loading... I can't see the city owner for a minute, often it needs refresh. The worst are the grey cities and adventure huts... It's difficult to find a grey town, even I know where it is. But it's impossible to find new places, adventure huts, etc.

The empty cells, MC's, active cities are nice, even it's darks. But the huts, and mostly empty cities... Anyone can see contours, where many empty cities are. It's horrible.

In short: the old one was better. Give it back to Us!
on: 15 Aug 2013 [15:45]
the new version we got yesterday is very grey

I had gotten used to the first new map and once the icons were improved could navigate it easy.

But this latest update, in an attempt to appease the lazy crybabies who just gave up on and complained about the map rather than giving it a chance and trying to make it work, is a step backwards.

We all know, but some wont admit, the devs will improve and tweak out the bugs in the coming weeks. It just seems that some people want things now or just handed to them. Spoon fed like a bunch of children.

Now open wide, here comes the airplane..... Time for bedibyes children.

Maybe i should run a boycott until i get my way and they switch it back. (:s10:)
on: 15 Aug 2013 [17:55]
updated: 15 Aug 2013 [17:57]
I find the new valley map on Bohemia very difficult to read and severely slows me down when searching, even when i know where things are they are difficult to find. the old map was much easier to read and faster please give it back to us. i know that this was done to try and improve the game but for me is a severe handicap in playing the game.
on: 15 Aug 2013 [18:04]
Topic regarding new map - http://1100ad.com/forum/view/33103
Topic is closed!