The update has been added to all servers!
List of changes and updates:
* A new sea location „
Creek of the lost ships”.
And its fearsome defenders –

The location appears on a random place on the world map, next to water. All players that are within the distance of 1500 tiles around will receive a notification.
Lifetime of a single location = 72 hours.
Only servers with seas can have this location!
New heroes in the bonus shop! The famous pirates Blackbeard and Anne Bonny will join your army for only
75 diamonds! Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!

* The set of artifacts coming from conquered lands has been changed.
* Now a player, who has been banned in the chat, will receive a notification in which the term and the reason of the ban will be shown, as well as the name of the moderator, who issued it.
* Bugs with the new map have been resolved and the displaying of tiles in the tactic screen has been fixed.
* New art for the valley has been added (resource nodes).
* The combat log now correctly clears after the defeat of a quest army;
* The icons of several locations have been changed – now it will be easier to tell them apart;
* Bugs in the displaying of campaigns and armies have been fixed;
* The bug with the "Spend in library" button has been fixed for kingdom events. Now you can successfully spend resources in the library!