on: 29 May 2013 [11:28]
updated: 29 May 2013 [15:40]
List of changes:

- New interface on Koryo and Britannia
- From now on, tokens which allow you to finish constructing a building immediately will be used by default if available.
- Heroes can be resurrected in the castle for free.
- Fixed description of artifacts which are given for completing quests.
- Kingdom events are now sorted by time of expiration.
- It is now possible to disable hints in quests.
- Fixed multiple arrows bug in city treasury.
- Help arrows added on tactic screen while doing quests.
- Special separator added in chat for each new day.
- Fixed “white screen” bug which occurred because of incorrect diplomatic relations with players who no longer exist.
- Kingdom events which you see for the first time are now marked with red arrows.
- Price for Pomegranate Juice lowered in gift shop.
- Fixed world map scrolling with keyboard (subscribers only).
- Travel time will not be shown if you are trying to leave the city with ships which are unable to do that.
- “Automatic building upgrade” button now correctly displays its state (subscribers only).
- In the tactic screen, armies which are standing in one cell and have the same orders are now visually shown as one army. It works with friendly and enemy armies.
- Gold is no longer required to move buildings for quests.
- Fixed a bug which occurred while trying to leave the city from the tactic screen.
- Fixed a bug with the SMS service panel.
- Fixed a bug with path finding in a valley.
- Menu button animations are now more accurate.
- Fixed the “Resource extraction” building’s design.
- We optimized the algorithm for multi account search.
- A resurrection timer, which shows how much time is left before a Hero becomes unresurrectable, is now shown in the tavern.
- The “gold transfer via agreements” feature has been restored, but with several restrictions:
1. All gold is now divided into 2 types: Bonus gold and Purchased gold.
2. Only Purchased gold can be transferred.
3. Purchased gold is gold which was bought via our payment system.
4. Gold that was obtained from the auction or any other event, except purchase, is classified as Bonus gold, which cannot be transferred.
5. You can use the gold transfer feature only when you reach level 31.
6. When performing a purchase, Bonus gold will be used if available.

- Compensations for resource building destruction in forts have been changed. Compensation will only be granted added when you destroy a resource building in a fort you have captured.
- Second stage of fortress capture has been adjusted according to the fortress’s level:
1 = 30m
2 = 1h
3 = 1h 30m
4 = 2h
5 = 2h 30m

- All players now have a statistics screen in their profile, which can be viewed in the players profile, the achievements section, goblet icon.
- Fixed a bug with incorrect result of the “clear all” function in the exit screen.
- City switching with arrows is now available for all players for free.
- From now on, players will receive all artifacts as kingdom events and not as mail.

On following servers: Golden Horde, Koryo, Skogmark, has been added gold reward for fort destruction (only if fort belongs to a player).

On following servers: Outremer, Koryo, Britannia, Royal Citadel has been added!

Only for new UI servers:
- Total amount of units during separation in several armies is now shown in tactic screen.
- From now on, players are able to view interim battle reports.