on: 21 May 2013 [17:17]
Dear players,
More than 500 years ago, this day (May 21) become the last day of Christopher Columbus as governor of Hispaniola. In 1499, the Royal Family abolished the monopoly of Columbus' discovery of new lands. Many admiral companions decided to take advantage of that and betray him, joining his opponents.
Hidalgo Francisco Bovadilla was sent to Hispaniola with unlimited powers by Royal decree, he was known for his negative attitude to Columbus.Verbal instructions received from the king gave Bovadilla right to do with the rebels, and along with the Viceroy, as he sees fit for the benefit of the Crown.
Arriving on the island as governor with unlimited powers Bovadilla arrested admiral and his brothers and sent all three in chains to Spain. Columbus managed to avoid imprisonment, and he made another expedition to the shores of the Americas.
Dispite many difficulties faced by him, this great navigator never ceased to struggle with fate and kept moving ahead against all odds.
1100AD team would like to give a connditionally free hero - Portuguese navigator (24 level) to all players on following servers: Eldorado, New World and Die Eroberung Amerikas. So even in the most difficult moments you would not lose heart and remember the great discovery of Columbus, so you can find strength to continue the struggle!
on: 21 May 2013 [21:05]
and when do we get those heroes?
on: 21 May 2013 [22:28]
yes when?
on: 25 May 2013 [18:13]
is this for all servers?
on: 25 May 2013 [18:25]
updated: 25 May 2013 [18:28]
Quote cucullhan:
is this for all servers?

Quote playground:
1100AD team would like to give a connditionally free hero - Portuguese navigator (24 level) to all players on following servers: Eldorado, New World and Die Eroberung Amerikas.

Just those 3 servers...