i have recently hired a vassal who signed the contract for 1000 glory points. i have yet to recieve the tax(1000gp) after the contract was signed. any ideas?
on: 20 Apr 2013 [23:56]
updated: 20 Apr 2013 [23:56]
My first guess: The vassal doesn't have free mercenary points, so he can't give them to you.
Does the vassal have an obelisk?
on: 21 Apr 2013 [22:06]
yes, says he has an obelisk and 2000gp free. does it require a lvl 10 obelisk to recieve the glorypoint payment?
on: 27 Apr 2013 [00:01]
My second guess: I'm not sure if this vassal rule applies on el dorado aswell, but it's possible:
According to a rule on koryo, vassals can only give mercenary points to their lord when they have more then what a level 10 obelisk gives.