on: 02 Apr 2013 [17:29]
By the way yesterday was an April Fool's Day aka Day of April Laughter is the international holiday celebrated worldwide on the first of April. The first direct mention of the holiday dates back to the year 1686 and it sounded like "Fools Holiday" then. From olden times people used ​​to play jokes on their friends and acquaintances or just make fun of them during this holiday.

And how did you play your friends on April Fool's Day? What is a joke that you like, and what jokes do you consider offending and unacceptable? Share recipes of some good and funny jokes in this thread, any discussion is welcome here!
on: 02 Apr 2013 [18:50]
updated: 02 Apr 2013 [18:53]
Back a few years ago, I was a RA (residential assistant) living in the residential halls of the community college I was attending. I had forgotten that it was April fools day when our residential janitor pranked me. She told me someone took a dump in the showers which she then took me to go see. And indeed, in the corner of one of the showers lie a rather realistic turd. Of course I did not get close enough to examine it further. You know those feelings you get when someone has to do something that you know they do not want to do and you want to be nice and help but then you realize that you really don't want to do what they have to do... That question of whether to help or say, "sorry", with a sad looking face and scurry away, far away... I had to have stood there pondering that question for about 10 or so seconds before she starts to laugh. I turn to her with a questioned face, then watched as she walked over to the fake turd, then picked it up and tossed it at me. I don't think I have to say much on what I did then; just know that I lost a few brain cells when hitting the wall side-stepping as fast as I could. Oh boy did she get a kick out of that... She finally tells me that it was April fools day and that the turd was just a few extra large Tootsie rolls mashed together. Just know that I made sure that my fellow RA's got the same treatment (:s12:).

Well, that is one of the few April fool pranks I've fell for.
on: 03 Apr 2013 [22:09]
crusade server had a good day without all day loading............NOT......