on: 06 Mar 2013 [13:33]
updated: 07 Mar 2013 [10:03]

Greetings, all you chivalrous knights and noble ladies! 

It is nearly March 8th - and soon we will be celebrating the most valorous, perhaps, and the most courtly holiday of them all – the international day dedicated to Women!!! It is the sacred day for both mothers and sisters, princesses and maidservants, shieldmaidens and pythonesses! 

That is why today, on this merry day of spring, we gladly present a Bunch of Tulips to our precious ladies for there is no holiday without flowers! And besides, this majestic artifact can be used to acquire a random battle artifact.  

But the upcoming holiday comprises much more fun and enjoyment for the most gorgeous - never before seen - Amber Rings and Topaz Rings can now be purchased in our gift shop!   

Topaz Ring is a truly surprizing and merry gift, fo it can be used to bestow your kingdom with a random fortunate event! An event so magnifiscent and rare, that it could fill your coffers with both GOLD AND DIAMONDS!  

But an Amber Ring is an even more precious artifact, for it holds an unimaginable power to grant any of your heroes 30 000 exp instantly AND without penalties!  

These precious rings will only be available in our gift shop from March 7th till March 13th, so best hurry to our gift shop now and use this opportunity to present great gifts to your charming and adorable ladies!  

Happy Woman's Day! May the lambent spring blossom in your heart as long as possible!
1100AD Team

P.S. These changes will take place on Beta and Livonia servers today. Other servers will join in tomorrow.