on: 04 Sep 2012 [17:19]
updated: 27 Nov 2012 [14:53]
Carefree and sultry summer passed away and September rules forests and fields, rivers and lakes. Greens gave place to autumnal shades of yellow and orange, and blue skies turn cloudy and rainy.

Autumn comes once per year, with all its beauty and generosity. It's time to reap the harvest and gather the plentiful crop. And so, 1100AD is proposing Harvest Season as well!

Take your reliable shovels and pitchforks, gather folks and head for Great Artifacts Hunt. Peasants and feudal lords, traders and mercenaries are ready to explore different locations, defeat the defenders and obtain the artifacts.

Following events are awaiting the players in the upcoming autumn season:
First and most important:
All the artifacts are redistributed between the locations (including adventure and temporary huts and mercenary camps). This means the higher is the location level, the higher-level artifact you may obtain.

Nomadic tribes are approaching our lands, wishing to settle here. Let's favor them and accept these people to our possessions.
Soon* all the 1100AD players will receive an invitation, proposing to share their resources, so nomads may settle down their shelter. Nomadic shelter will become the future adventure hut, be it either an abandoned mines or an abandoned university.

* This may take 1 to 5 days, so be please be patient.

Last, but not least:
Discounts! Few things in game life can be more pleasing than lowered prices for following services:
- Artifacts transfer to hero; (20%)
- Artifacts transfer to the Order vault; (30%)
- Artifacts transfer to another city; (30%)
- Obtaining mercenary camps points; (10%)
- Obtaining vassal points; (10%)
- Obtaining trebuchets for diamonds. (50%)

We added to the above list following discounts from the Build #1531:
- Order foundation discounts; (50%)
- Order upgrade and Order skill gain discounts. (5%)

Adventures lie ahead!
on: 05 Sep 2012 [08:48]
Aragon has been offline for about 8 hours
on: 05 Sep 2012 [12:33]
updated: 05 Sep 2012 [12:34]
8 hours and no rollback, any revolt or attack could not be delt with. For me i was lucky and was not effected... Were others so lucky??(:s31:)

Also some of the proposed discounts and repairs are not in place(:s28:). We need this done guys.(:s10:)
on: 05 Sep 2012 [14:41]
agreed... i dont get on as much as i like too and i missed out on many hours or robbing and what not.
on: 10 Sep 2012 [22:53]
I'm sorry guys... but other servers were down for an hour 2 at most.
We couldn't play for 8 hours.

10K resources, while nice and all that... Its a bit light.
on: 11 Sep 2012 [12:35]
valaki beszedi az adóm bizonyos részét! mit tehetek ellene?
on: 14 Sep 2012 [14:14]
Quote Cathrine:
Soon* all the 1100AD players will receive an invitation, proposing to share their resources, so nomads may settle down their shelter. Nomadic shelter will become the future adventure hut, be it either an abandoned mines or an abandoned university.

* This may take 1 to 5 days, so be please be patient.

Did anyone get an invitation?
on: 21 Sep 2012 [14:15]
So am I the only one who got all excited about Nomadic shelters only to be holding onto that slimmer of hope that promise will be delivered?