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Still in BP, someone just asked me to be a vassal, cant get the help menu to read - not sure if it my internet connection or firewall or what.
Experienced in Evony, trying a new game - any pointers would help, thx. |
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on: 27 May 2012 [23:57]
on: 29 May 2012 [00:23]
on: 29 May 2012 [06:33]
on: 29 May 2012 [14:10]
on: 29 May 2012 [16:35]
updated: 29 May 2012 [16:36]
on: 29 May 2012 [16:42]
on: 29 May 2012 [16:43]
on: 29 May 2012 [17:02]
on: 29 May 2012 [17:51]
updated: 29 May 2012 [17:54]
In order to keep this is as short as possible, please read this: http://www.1100ad.com/wiki/GameGuide#Vassalage If you have any more questions that aren't answered by a quick forum / wiki search, there are a lot of players who will answer them (including myself). But please don't make me repeat everything. ![]() ![]() You want to write somebody a private message (PM)? - Just search him in the valley (if you know the name, there is a search bar, too) and click on his city/camp/fort. Then go to "private message" in the top right corner under "actions". It should work. No need to apologize. I am sure we can clear up your problems. ![]() |
on: 29 May 2012 [18:07]
I've been trying to search Jave23 - but I keep getting "No user with such name is found!" Next question: the guy who wants me to be a vassal set these terms, is he offering me 2k glory points, or demanding them from me? (He has not answered my 2 reply messages - so I don't think I'll accept.) "Summary Terms: Glory (mercenary) points payment: 2,000." |
on: 29 May 2012 [18:20]
on: 29 May 2012 [19:47]
Knowledge is all that matters in these sorts of games period. You can be a tenth the size of another player and still destroy them if you know what your doing. In evony you will never attack a player with less than 100k troops and there is an obnoxious thing called 'upkeep' which forces you to spend tons of time keeping your army from running away by attacking NPC's. That is essentially why I stopped playing. I like the fact that this game has a lower troop count and that you actually affect the battle outcomes based on your skill as a player. I suppose this is the worst noob mistake I have made in some time. I didnt even take the time to make sure I was posting on the right server. Im going to go ahead and blame that one on the alcohol.. Jannisary- Becoming someones vassal means giving up your BP. I jumped in an order (Probably a mistake this early on but I am sick of no chat box) but I was advised by many players not to give up BP to be a vassal. Try finding someone that will help you along and accept you as a vassal after your BP expires if thats the route you want to take. It will make them show their commitment as well as let you get to know them before they start taxing you. |
on: 29 May 2012 [19:54]
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