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on: 16 Jan 2012 [15:05]
Who can solve this puzzle ?
a man walks into a bar he asks the bartender for a drink the bartender picks up his shotgun and fires a shoot ,he misses .the man thanked the bartender and left a tip
why did the man thank the bartender and why did he leave a tip ?
if you already know it DO NOT ANSWER (:s33:)
if you didn't know the answer say you don't (:s11:)
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on: 19 Jan 2012 [10:47]
updated: 19 Jan 2012 [10:50]
A tree = 7 birds
Tree B = 5 birds(:s5:)
on: 20 Jan 2012 [09:52]
mmmm....probably the bud was truing to leave the alcohol but he was too weak to doit.....then after the missed shot...we was a ware of the dangerous of be alcohol addict?.....LOL (:s29:)
on: 20 Jan 2012 [11:55]
good job zerberus101
you guys wont believe what happened to me yesterday
1_the fan of my PC stopped working for some reason i had to wait 4 hours to get one
2_a file called system got corrupt because the electricity got cut while i was defending my city and the whole windows wont start so i had to install the windows XP all over again and then i didn't find the appropriate resolution for my screen and so i had to wait another 4 hours to get the latest nvidia monitor card .
and because all of that i spent a whole day without 1100ad (:s20:)
on: 20 Jan 2012 [12:08]
(:s4:)... man, my heart weeps for you, really! I try to keep my computer as clean as can be. I also built a custom fan/table for my laptop which keeps my cpu core temp under 40C at peak processing.
on: 20 Jan 2012 [13:10]
updated: 20 Jan 2012 [13:10]
Quote caymerra:
guys friday is a day off for children how could she possibly be driving the kids to school

Friday is day off for children? Not where I live. So I will stick with my original explanation.
on: 20 Jan 2012 [13:37]
Quote caymerra:
guys friday is a day off for children how could she possibly be driving the kids to school

Quote caymerra:
Friday morning

school is mon-fri, you specifically said, Friday "morning" which is school for children...
on: 20 Jan 2012 [18:46]
Friday is not a day off here too so I say 20 years old son might kill him because he has worst alibi. He knows that his girlfriend will lie for him so no problem to make her as alibi. But also butler seems suspicious because "he was talking to neighbor". If this killed man was rich enough they might have no neighbors(:s8:)(:s8:) But its easy to check of course.
on: 20 Jan 2012 [18:52]
And about that man at bar it seems easy for me. He came to bartender and asked for a "shot" which literally means "shot" like with a gun, but people are using word "shot" for a 25-50 ml of vodka(:s8:) He got what he asked (what he asked but not what he meant) and left(:s8:)
on: 20 Jan 2012 [20:07]
updated: 20 Jan 2012 [20:09]
Quote janis125:
He came to bartender and asked for a "shot"

if you were still thinking about that one, actually i kind of written it wrong i should have said a glass of water not a drink
Quote hjuler:
I will stick with my original explanation

if Friday isn't a day off where you live i think you're explanation would be very reasonable (:s11:)
Quote janis125:
He knows that his girlfriend will lie for him

think about this
what would happen if he found out that his girlfriend was cheating on him (:s17:)
Quote crimson:
school is mon-fri, you specifically said, Friday "morning" which is school for children...

so i guess this riddle doesn't work internationally
i have to think about another one
on: 21 Jan 2012 [20:41]
Who's ready for an Einstein Puzzle:
this one needs a whole lot of (:s30:)
There are 5 ships in a port:

1. The Greek ship leaves at six and carries coffee.
2. The Ship in the middle has a black chimney.
3. The English ship leaves at nine.
4. The French ship with blue chimney is to the left of a ship that carries coffee.
5. To the right of the ship carrying cocoa is a ship going to Marseille.
6. The Brazilian ship is heading for Manila.
7. Next to the ship carrying rice is a ship with a green chimney.
8. A ship going to Genoa leaves at five.
9. The Spanish ship leaves at seven and is to the right of the ship going to Marseille.
10. The ship with a red chimney goes to Hamburg.
11. Next to the ship leaving at seven is a ship with a white chimney.
12. The ship on the border carries corn.
13. The ship with a black chimney leaves at eight.
14. The ship carrying corn is anchored next to the ship carrying rice.
15. The ship to Hamburg leaves at six.

Which ship goes to Port Said? Which ship carries tea?
Solve this one if you can(:s8:)
on: 24 Jan 2012 [15:03]
guys what's the problem ,you don't have enough time to think about it.
on: 24 Jan 2012 [22:54]
The Spanish ship goes to Port Said and the French ship carries tea.
on: 26 Jan 2012 [16:55]
That's right good job nusanalq
how much time did it take you to solve it
on: 27 Jan 2012 [05:14]
With google, it didn't take long (:s10:)
on: 27 Jan 2012 [05:22]
Another one, found here http://www.facebook.com/1100ad?ref=ts

Quote 1100ad:
"Here goes a brain quiz worth an Ancient Viking Standard!
All you have to do is to find out the Historical event that lies beneath the numbers listed below and e-mail us your answer to the il@ambergames.com.

-2 54 55.95 -3.2 8 22

We are ready to give 20 Standards away, so get ready to rumble, don't miss your chance!

I think I found it (I sent my answer and they wrote me back to ask my nickname and the server where I play(:s1:))... It is well worth twisting your brain as there is a possible reward!(:s17:)(:s12:)
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