Hello, dear players! Today, we are starting a new tradition – a 1100AD community spotlight and our first interview will be with a player named
koval77, who is in “Top 1” on
Britannia server at the moment.
AddWarrior: Hi, Koval77! Now we will have a brief interview where I'll ask you questions and you'll answer in a way convenient for you. Questions are pretty standard, disclosing the principal of the game in 1100AD. So, shall we start?
Koval77: Hi, addWarrior! Let's get started.
AddWarrior: Koval77, for how long do you play 1100AD? Which server you started playing with before you come to Britannia and what were your first steps on the road to the Top?
Koval77: I started playing almost a year ago - on 10th of November 2010 I joined the Crusade World server. But I took my first steps in game on Aragon server, but I later on had several reasons to leave it. I went back to Crusade, and now here's the Britannia server.
AddWarrior: Were these of purely playful character, such as dissatisfaction with the principle of the game, or a personal agenda?
Koval77: Yes, of a gaming nature. It's a testing server, and I can't say that I like it when tests are conducted on my army.
AddWarrior: I see. So, tell me please, why you decided to play on Britannia, what attracted you most on the server and what do you expect from it in the future?
Koval77: Something new always attracts, as something old gets boring and repetitive. I cannot say I am attracted to something in particular. But I am waiting for the development of the server, so developers can promote and upgrade the storyline and fix the problems with diplomacy as quickly as possible, otherwise it will be boring to play for everyone.
AddWarrior: What do you mean by monotonous, and what would revive the game for those, who play on this server?
Koval77: storyline, as promised by developers!
AddWarrior: They are working on it. As far as I know, you are currently the master of the historical kingdom order - Scotland, and already being at war with other kingdoms. Tell us whether war on Britannia server differs from any other server you have played on begore?
Koval77: Britannia server is very much alike to Beta server, the wars there do not differ from servers with tactics. There are a few errors from the developers' side, that make military campaigns harder.
AddWarrior: Like what?
Koval77: For example, while defending a fort you cannot predict from which side the enemy will appear. You can assume, but you cannot predict it. On other servers with tactics you know from which side an enemy's army is coming into your fort (P.S developers team quickly reacted to this bug and it was already fixed)
AddWarrior: What do you think of your current enemies / rivals? Are they descent enough to keep you under pressure and maintain a competent geopolitical strategy, to keep you and your order pretty tensed, or you've already developed a plan to destroy your enemies, and just wait for the moment to come?
Koval77: My enemies are cowards and there are at least three orders that send their military campaigns against me in a time, even though some of them are stronger. I usually try and fight with my own armies.
AddWarrior: That is an independent battle is sort of your strategy? In contrast to thine enemies that attack by several orders?
Koval77: That's the point, as one player and magister said: "Crowd always wins and forces to quit the game"
AddWarrior: But on the other hand, everyone chooses his strategy, and it is not always soft, in fact, as the saying goes, all's fair in love and war, right?
Koval77: I agree, but where's the point?
AddWarrior: Probably, in conquesting new cities, by any means, or perhaps in getting rid of unfavorable or very strong players?
Koval77: I would say that fear makes a crowd attack stronger players.
AddWarrior: Each player has their own idea about the game and about what it should be. We understand that we can't please everyone, but, nevertheless, it's important to us and the community of players to know your opinion on this matter. The game is constantly evolving, and it is possible that some of your ideas will be taken by developers as a way forward. So, what would you like to see as future developments of the game?
Koval77: Firstly, it would be nice to have more bonuses when defending own cities and forts when using the landscape features like forests nad hills, as well as increased movement speed of troops in own cities. Everything else is okay.
AddWarrior: Well, we will consider your ideas , thank you. Well, and as fot the latter issue, we take something classic. Please tell us what attracts you in 1100AD, why did you choose this game and how you feel about it's historical subjects [1, 2], which developers have started to use on Brittania server?
Koval77: 1100AD has a good teamplay and social aspect. After playing it for a year, you realize that you get real friends that are willing to meet you in reality at any moment. Historical storylines? There aren't any of them... everyone is waiting when they appear.
AddWarrior: I was referring to the historical themes that the administration creates for historical orders. You haven't received the first on TIGRIK was the master of the order at that time. Nevertheless, event reports were and still being posted on the forum.
By the way, your order also received an award for partially completed event (albeit accidentally), didn't it?
Koval77: there were no quests as such, well, there were, but they were very easy.
AddWarrior: Oh, I see, we'll keep that in mind! So, thank you for your time and an interesting interview! Good luck in your campaigns against the enemies, and we also wish you faithful knights and many glorious victories!