on: 25 Sep 2011 [18:00]
is it me or.... did i just have my entire city wiped back to basics. I only just started and almost every time i come on.... im back to as if i've first joined. wit storehouse under construction. im gong back to beta... i has less glitches...
on: 25 Sep 2011 [19:42]
It is maybe just you... Sorry to say but I haven't had that problem (yet?)... Can you give more details?
on: 28 Sep 2011 [18:50]
Probably you logged in wrong server.
on: 28 Sep 2011 [19:27]
There are more possibilities:

1. If you don't build anything else (mine or castle) and you log out you will get a new city when you log in the next time.
2. If you don't log in during 4 weeks, you will be cancelled and you will get a new city.
3. probably it's a bug but i don't think so.

best regards
on: 28 Sep 2011 [20:14]
Or... you (or someone else in your house) use the same IP address to log to the Britannia server with another login which is more developed than the wiped out one.
These are new bans on multi-accounters that have been set into place in Britannia and that will be soon be reinforced on other servers too...